pt. 10 Lunch

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You turned to see your alarm went off hours ago, you had such a big headache. You got up as you noticed you were late for class. Again. Do you decide to go? No. I mean.. It's only been a day since you skipped lectures, one more day couldn't hurt. You yawned, then suddenly you began to squirm on your bed like a dog in heat. Yesterday night was amazing.. Well.. Not the whole night. Forgetting about the pink man situation, you had a wonderful night talking to spiderman. He made you feel comfortable and ressuared, he truly was a gentleman. However, you get a feeling of curiosity hitting you, actually, slamming you, who was spiderman? You kept repeating this question the whole morning to yourself.

As you finally got out of bed, you checked your phone, 4 new messages from Miguel. Do you check them?.. No. Would be the best answer, however, a feeling of anger and hate got to you, so you decide to check them.

"[Y/N] sorry"
"Are you there?"
"Please forgive me."
"Call me."

You felt like throwing your phone against the wall. Did he really have the audacity to say " I'm sorry?" Who was this man? How could he.. Then you looked out of the window. Why were you so mad? It's not like he promised to keep you safe. It's not like he's your boyfriend. Why should he be there 24/7 for you? You sighed, your brain began to hurt even more. This headache wasn't going away anytime soon. You placed your phone on your bed as you went to take a bath. You had to calm down, you had to relax. You spent almost an hour in the bath until you hear a.. "Ding! " You ingore it for a couple of minutes until you hear a familiar voice. It's Miguel.
Why didn't he call you before coming? I mean.. Who just randomly pops up out of no where!? You began to freak out, you didn't want Miguel to see you naked! (Again). You rushed to dry yourself with a towel and wrapped it against your waist, placing a random T-shirt over it. You opened the door, "what.." Miguel looked at you. He looked.. Horrible. Bruises and cuts all over his arms, your eyes widen, however you don't give in.

The silence began to thicken as the clock ticked, tick.. Tock... Tick... Tock. Miguel broke the silence, he seemed nervous. "[Y/N] look.. I.. I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away.. My.... My.. Dog died." You couldn't help but feel like his lying, however, if he wasn't, you'd feel guilty. You looked down as you sighed. "Are you serious?" Miguel seemed taken back from your response but nodded, "yeah.. After I left your apartment I found my dog missing until a few hours later.." You began to feel bad for Miguel, however that didn't explain the bruises and cuts he had on his arms. You raised an eyebrow, "yeah..? What about those bruises and cuts? Did a cat scratch you." Miguel looked at you, he seemed so.. Hopeless. You couldn't help but give in, you gave him an awkward, but reassuring hug.

Then, you felt his strong arms wrap around you, it had been a while since Miguel hugged you. 2 days felt like a year. (LOL)It felt.. Odd.
You pulled back after a while, "uhm.. I was about to get changed and head over to lunch.. If you wanna wait for me,we can go get lunch together.
Miguel nodded, he entered inside your apartment and head towards your living room, sitting down on the same place he did the last time he was here. You sighed as you closed the door and head to your room. You wore jean shorts and a plain velvet shirt. You spiced it up a bit with a black leather jacket. You grabbed your purse and phone and head out to the living room.

Miguel was staring outside the window until he noticed you came out, he stood up immediately. You noticed he was wearing a spiderman hat,.. That was sort of.. Out of character from him? He liked spiderman?

You shook your head, he was probably just a fan.. That's all.. Nothing else. You looked at him as you checked your watch, "where do you want to eat?" He looked down at you as he shrugged, "ah.. Anywhere you want to eat is fine with me." You glared at him. "Cmon just choose, I'm not picky." He looked at you as he thought of somewhere to eat.

You never knew how difficult it was for a man to choose a decent restaurant to eat at during lunch hours. You sighed, then you had an idea.. "Ah Miguel.. Do you mine paying for lunch? I don't get my check until next week." He looked at you as he smiled, "of course, anything for you. It'll be like a favor back to you since I didn't respond right away." You felt guilty, he shouldn't have responded back to you quickly.. He has a life to, he can't always be clinging on to you. However that thought began to disappear when he recommend to eat at one of the most famous restaurants in the city. It was named "The New York Special," *(FAKE RESTAURANT NAME)*, you heard it was popular for its sea food all you can eat dish. It was more like somewhere to eat during dinner, howevever during lunch they weren't so busy. Therefore, you both agreed to eat there.

You sort of Regretted your decision when you arrived at the restaurant. Multiple woman wore long sexy dresses and had pearl earrings while you wore a basic plain shirt with shorts. However, you didn't let that get to you when Miguel whispered into your ear, "compared to all these woman here, I'd think your the most prettiest out of them all." Even though you both had a heated argument 2 days ago, you couldn't stay mad at him. You felt your heart racing a little as he complimented you. You began to blush as well, however all you replied back was with, " thanks." You and Miguel get seated by the window, you looked down to see how beautiful the view was. You felt like you were one of the most richest woman on earth with her husband who payed mostly for everything. However, you weren't. You were a normal broke university student who went on a lunch date with a old, but charming man.

A server named Dave hollered by, "good afternoon you two! My name is Dave and I'll be your server today. What would you guys like to drink? And would you care to start with any appeziters?" You looked at Miguel as he orded a Ice tea with lemon. He was so basic.. However you ordered a glass of pineapple juice so you couldn't judge.

You looked through the menu as you bit your nail, it's sort if a habit that you adapted when you get stressed. Miguel chuckled, he thought it was cute when you bit your nails. " Can we get an order of the combination tray appeziters?" Miguel glanced at the waiter as he spoke, looking at you after. You looked at the server as you nodded. The server gave a big smile as he nodded and head back towards the kitchen. "I'm sorry.. I'm really bad at deciding stuff." You looked at him with a embarrassing look, however, he gave you a smirk. "Ah no worries. I usually come here often by myself, I know you'll enjoy the tray of goodies." You looked at him as you blushed, you were clearly embarrassed, however you raised an eyebrow. " you come here.. Often?' Woah. This man had money. And a lot of it too. He nodded, " that a problem?" You shook your head rapidly. " No! Not at all! I think it's great you can afford all that food!" He raised an eyebrow, "what?.. Are you saying I eat alot?" You began to panic, did he misunderstand your words? You clearly didn't mean to be rude. " n-o! That's not it-" you began to shake your hands as you covered your face in embarrassment. Suddenly, you feel a hand remove your hand from your face, "I'm just kidding hermosa.. I got it. I was being sarcastic." He chuckled as he looked at you, his mouth forming a smile. You began to feel your heart race as he placed his hand onto yours. Are you really going to fall all over for Miguel again? How about spiderman? What were you going to do!

The server set the dish on the table, forcing Miguel to remove his hand from yours. Thank goodness. If both or your hands were together for any longer, you would have exploded. Plus, he could probably feel your sweat forming from your hand. The dish looked delicious, when you were about to grab a fried shrimp, you heard a click! Miguel suddenly took a photo of you. You began to panic, "wh-at! Why why'd you do that for?" Miguel looked at the photo as he looked up at you, "I just wanted a picture to cherish of you. You look so cute in this photo." He kissed his phone as he chuckled and glanced at you. Uh oh. Your face was turning red, did he really just do that? Is he insane? You heard your server come back, and asked you both, "are you two ready to order the main dishes?" You felt a ball in your throat. You didn't know what to say.

Part 11 over.
To be continue. 🍤

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