chapter 8

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Hey guys I AM BACCCKKKK with hiccstrid!weve all missed hiccstrid i know anyway hope you enjoy this chapter by the way it is saturday in this book thats why there not at school!


Hiccups POV 

i woke up to a coughing noise,i opened my eyes slowly to see astrid laying on her stomach with her hands over her head .Astrid was coughing non-stop and breathing heavily.I was getting worried.

"Astrid?"i asked worried.

She stopped coughing so she could answer me but,she couldn't,she was breathing heavily and was trying to speak.

"I-I*coughs*Im f-fine dont *coughs*worry."she says in-between breaths.

"babe?Are you sure?"i asked just to be positive.

Astrid sits up and has her head down,trying to catch her breath.I sit up and rub her back smoothly.

"yes! Im fine now don't worry im positively sure im okay,i dont know why i was coughing that much but its not anything to worry about.Its all over now."Astrid says.

"ok. well,now that i know your ok,I was wondering if we should go to the beach.All of Wolf 8?."i asked.

"yes!sounds great let me just find my bikini."astrid said.

Astrid stood up and went to my drawer to look for her bikini,im guessing she wanted her favourite black bikini. (picture above)but,she couldnt find it."Hiccup where is it!"she asked getting inpatient.i threw the covers off me and stood up to help her find it.

"bloody hell,if i cant find it i dont know what ill wear!"

"what in the world do you mean,look at all your over bikinis"i say pointing to all the other bikinis she has pulled out of the draw."no!i want this one!"

"you big baby!"

In a blink of an eye,i was pinned down to the bed.Astrid had jumped on me and i fell back.Shes a wild cat,i like that about her."found it"she says smirking at me."ok,ok you can get off me now."i say.Astrid leans down and whispers in my ear,"now look whos the big baby".i frowned at her and stuck my bottom lip out. As she slowly gets up,i then turn the page and she is the one pinned under-neath me. "hey!" she says annoyed.i help her up and give her her bikini to put under her beach clothes.(picture above)."now,go and get changed gorgeous."i say directing her to the bath room as i will get dressed in the bed room.

***Time Skip***At the beach...

Me and Astrid have been waiting at the beach for 20 minutes and there still not here yet!I'm getting bored now and Astrid is currently layed on a beach bench waiting.I put a hand over my forehead because the sun is so bright,I look at my surroundings but I can't see them!what's taking them so long!I walk over to Astrid and she's slapping sun cream on herself." Hey,there not here yet" I say depressed.depressed. Astrid pulls my arm and I sit on the beach chair with her. She smashes her lips against mine and I relax a little.I feel her hand grip the bottom of my shirt and try to pull it over my head but,she couldn't so I help her and pull it over. We started kissing again until we heard."" said a smooth voice with a cool tone. We pull apart to see Jack looking at us with the rest behind him." Erm...hi guys." Astrid greets.

"hhiiii"says elsa slowly.

"ok,lets forget about erm..that and have fun!"Anna says like her joyful self.

"last on to the waters a doody head!!!"Astrid yells and heads strait for the water.

"I don't think so missy"i chase after her.

But as i was chasing her something happened to her,a group of guys beating her up.I,along with everyone else,stop and watch but i feel a burning sensation fill my bodyIm blood oiling with anger as i run to her.

Hey guys so how was it?

why are they hurting her? 

i know its short but i had to update something!its been forever since i updated and theres a lot of things i have to do so i never have time im always having to train after i get home from scholl :(

see ya next time!


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