Part - 7

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After Sujata leaves, Swara goes to close the door, as soon as she is about to close the door, Laksh holds the door.
Laksh: swara i want to talk to you.
Swara: hmmm. Say. What do you want to say?
Laksh: Not here, let's go inside. Let's talk inside.
Swara: laksh Whatever you want to say, you can say here too.
Laksh: Swara I am already in bad mood and I don't want to argue with you. so please. I have to talk something important with you and we are standing here at the door and I don't want to create any scene here so quietly let's go inside.
Swara: laksh, sanskar is not at home now. so say whatever you want to say and go from here? Or after sanskar comes, you can talk whatever you want.
Laksh holds Swara's hand and takes her inside the swasan's room.
Swara: laksh have you gone mad? What is this? If someone sees both of us in a room like this, a scene will be created without any reason and I do not want Ragini and her family to create any scene again or say anything to about my maa and dida again. so please go from here.
Laksh: yes I have gone mad and you are the reason for that. You have made me mad and there is no need to bring ragini in between us in all these things. She is not like you so please don't bring her in between us. Got it.
( laksh takes a long breath and says.)
And swara if I want to talk to you, I just have to do it and that too alone.
Swara: laksh you are doing wrong. You can't force me like this to talk to you understand and I said that Sanskar is not at home now, so please leave from here. When sanskar comes, then you can talk to me whatever you want. but for now please go from here.
Laksh: Why are you doing all this?
Swara (confused): hmmmm
Laksh: I said why are you doing all this? After doing all this, what do you want now?
Swara: If I tell you the reason, you will be able to believe me.
Laksh: no.
Swara: When there is no trust then why this question laksh.
Laksh: Because I want answers anyhow. It will be my decision to believe it or not. Tell me why are you doing all this. What is your plan now? Actually the fault is mine. Neither I love you nor all this would have happened. My whole family is suffering the pain of the betrayal given by you. Because of you poor ragini was forced to commit suicide. (laksh hold swara's both shoulders.) And now this fake marriage drama of yours.
Swara: laksh leave me. (And swara removes laksh's hand from her shoulders.) laksh what the hell are you talking about.
Laksh: Yes swara i know you and sanskar are doing a fake marriage drama. I agree that I am angry with Sanskar because of what he did. There are some misunderstandings between us but that doesn't mean I hate him. He is my brother. I have been with him since childhood. I know that he can never marry because he still loves kavita more than his life and he will never give her place to anyone. That's why I know you and sanskar are lying. And this is not the first time. Earlier also you used to play such false games many times under the guise of truth. But then, then I was blind in your love. But now your betrayal has opened my eyes. So tell me Swara, for what nonsense truth you and sanskar are doing this drama. tell swara, tell me (laksh holds swara's shoulders tightly.)
Swara: fine, what did you say that I have come here for some purpose right. ( laksh nodded his head in yes.) fine, yes i come here for some reason.
Laksh: I want to know that plan, that reason.
Swara: laksh, all the circumstances that are there today, all the relationships that have changed. The way all lives have changed. All that happened because of ragini.
Laksh: Lie again. ((laksh picks up the flower pot and throws it on the ground.) How many more lies will you tell Swara? how many lies?
Swara: laksh, you asked me to answer and I am just giving you the answer. once listen to me.
Laksh: Say.
Swara: ragini loves you laksh. Always did. she had never removed you from her life. Once she tells me that she loves you a lot, I never come in between both of you because my sister's happiness was most important to me and it is still today. But the only difference is that she has become so blind in her guilt and insecurity of losing you that she cannot see anything right and wrong. By not telling the truth, she has selected the path of lies. Convinced me to marry you and then separated both of us by getting trapped in her sweet and innocent nature. laksh If it was just this, I would have accepted everything happily. I myself would have rejected this relationship, but because of her selfishness, Maa-Baba got separated for whom we fought with the whole world. Swaragini was made from Swara and Ragini, Had to face so many difficulties Because of her one mistake, my family broke up And I can't stand it. I have come here in this house to prove my innocence and to prove false all the allegations leveled against my mother and dida.
Laksh: No Swara, not again. What did you think, you will tell me a filmi story and I will come again in your words. You know what swara You didn't think even in your wildest dreams that I would marry Ragini after you left me but when I did, you couldn't tolerate it. You started feeling that Ragini had trapped me in her trap but the truth is that it was my decision to marry her. I married her of my own free will. swara how can you punish Ragini for my decision and yes one more thing you have not come here to prove your or your maa and dida's innocence but you come here to separate me from ragini.
Swara: You think like this about me.
Laksh: I have also got these thoughts from you Swara because I know that you still love me. You still want to have me. You really don't want to have me. Tell me na swara, am I saying wrong.
Swara: this is your misunderstanding laksh. Yes, sometimes I wanted to get you laksh, that too with the will of both of us, but my sister Ragini took away that happiness of mine.
Laksh (shouted): shut up swara, shut up. How many more lies will you tell in the name of Ragini? hmm how many? I don't believe anything you say anymore. You lie every time and the truth is that poor ragini is suffering the punishment of your mistakes every time.
Annpoorna (shouted): laksh.... ( everyone enters the room.) shut up laksh. and what are you doing here. Now it is not right for you to enter Swara and Sanskar's room like this, that too when Sanskar is not in the room.
Laksh: maa a minute, now that you all are here, I want to say something to all of you. I want to bring my one truth in front of hundred lies of Swara. I want to make a promise. ragini please come here ( Ragini comes to Laksh.) ragini I am sorry. (to annpoorna) maa please forgive me because I have not given the rights of wife to ragini till date. Even after getting married, both of us are just good friends, but today in front of all of you especially in front of you Swara, I announce that tonight I will convert my and Ragini's relationship into husband-wife relationship. ( to ragini ) ragini you have suffered a lot because of your sister till date, stumbled a lot but now no more.
Annpoorna: laksh just shut up for god's sake. Everyone go to your rooms. The ritual of showing the face is about to begin, go. ( And everyone leaves from there except ragini. And ragini hugs swara and says.)
Ragini: thank you swara thank you so much. Swara you are the best sister in this world. Today you have given me that gift which hardly any sister would give to any other sister. Swara till today I had to snatch my love from you but today you handed over my love to me. thank you swara. swara now laksh ji has accepted me as his wife so now you don't need to do all this drama or stay in this house and in this fake marriage. swara i am your sister. I will never think bad of you. swara I will never be able to tolerate that anyone misunderstands you or says anything bad about you. swara if you stay here in this fake marriage and when the truth of your fake marriage will come in front of everyone then no one will say anything to sanskar ji or ask him because he is a boy but everyone will misunderstand you, will see you from wrong perspective. swara i don't want anyone to question your character or maa's upbringing. swara By doing all this you will not get anything except defamation and embarrassment like maa because the purpose for which you came here will never be fulfilled because tonight I will completely become laksh ji's wife. So today after muh dikhai you go to baadi with maa and dida and start your new life, hmm. (ragini sees swara ready and says.) Swara, you got ready for the ceremony of Muh Dikhai. no problem, you change your clothes because now you have no need to live in this fake marriage, then why will there be a ceremony of your muh dikhai.

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