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After breakfast Harry and Louis had decided to have some alone time. Archie would be having a sleepover at Louis mom's house, Jay. While Archie and Louis were watching Word World on the tv, Harry was packing Archie's overnight bag.

Harry always packed Archie's bags because one time Louis decided that he would pack the bag. Louis had put the essentials in the bag. He put everything but Archie's 'Ellie'. Ellie was a stuff animal that was an elephant. It was the first gift from Louis that Harry got when he found out he was pregnant. Harry decided to give it to Archie, not knowing it would be on the list of comfort items.

"His bag is all packed. Now we just need to find Ellie." Harry sad in a weary tone. As soon as Archie heard that he started to cry. He can't sleep without his Ellie.

Archie looked at his father, who was next to him, with water in his eyes. "Papa where i-is Ellie?"

Louis looked at Harry expecting him to know where the elephant is. But, Harry didn't know. So he did what he would normally do...tear down the house and find the stupid elephant.

They looked under the sofa, in cabinets, in the car, in their room, and in Archie's room. There was to elephant to be found. Archie started to cry even more. He lost Ellie and he needed to find her.

"Have we checked in the playroom?" Louis asked. He figured Harry would of checked there first.

Harry looked at Louis shaking his head no. Archie scooted off the couch and walked to the playroom. He looked in the doll box. He looked everywhere...or so he thought. Everywhere except the art bin.

Harry figured he would help his son find the elephant. Harry looked inside the art bin. Lucky it was in there because he really didn't want to upset Archie anymore than needed. "I found it monkey. It was in the art bin. Remember when we played with the paint?"

"Yeah! Tank you daddy. Me love you so much." And with that he kissed his father's cheek.

"We ready to go now?" Louis and Archie nodded. Harry got Archie while Louis grabbed the overnight bag.

When arrived at Jay's house Archie ran up to her giving her a big hug. "Hey my love.
How are you?" Jay said with excitement.

Archie held up his arm that was in a cast. "Me fell of bars. But me otay!" Archie said reassuring his nana, that is what he calls her.

"Well we better get going see you tomorrow, monkey. Be a good boy for nana okay?" Louis said in a serious tone.

Archie nodded his head giving his parents a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Walking back to the car Harry sat on the passenger side. As soon as the doors closed Louis said "When we get home you will receive your punishment."

Harry gulped and nodded his head. "Words." Louis said keeping his eyes on the rode not wanting to kill them. But he also wanted a verbal response back.

"Yes daddy." Harry said looked at his lap. He was already aroused. Trying not to get hard, Harry was thinking of all the things that Louis could possibly do to him.

When arrived at the house Louis unlocked the door placing the keys on the hook rack on the wall. "Go upstairs in our bedroom. Take off all of your clothes. Don't get hard, don't touch yourself." After Louis had said that Harry ran upstairs tripping over his own two feet.

Giving Harry the chance to do what he was told, Louis slowly walked up the stairs. He opened the bedroom door seeing Harry naked and laying down on the bed.

"Good job baby. You want daddy to touch you?" Louis was teasing Harry and he knew it. But that was part of the punishment.

"Yes daddy...please touch me." Harry begged. Louis slowly made his way onto the bed kneeling on the side of Harry. He took his hand and started to make his way to Harry's nipples. Taking Harry's nipple into his thumb and pointer fingers, making friction between them. Harry moaned. He loved getting his nipples played with. Louis switched nipples repeating the motion.

"Daddy...please fuck me...please" Harry was tired of being teased. He wanted his daddy's cock. "I'm prepared myself for you daddy. Ready for daddy's big cock."

Louis moans as Harry words. He moves down to the edge of the bed seeing that Harry is hard.

"Do you wanted the condom or did you take the pill?" Louis didn't want to have the same mistake as last time. Last time Harry forgot his pill and there was an emergency pregnancy test on the counter. Lucky for Louis it was negative.

"I took my pill daddy. Just want you cock...please." Louis gave in and lubed up his cock. Scooting Harry's bum down, lifting Harry's legs over his shoulders to get a good view of what Louis was about to do.

Pushing inside Harry's tight hole, Louis moans. "Mhm...so tight and warm baby." Louis could feel Harry's tight and warm walls around him. Giving Harry the chance to adjust to his size.

"Move please." Louis thrusts into Harry, hitting his prostate with the first thrust. "Ahhh...there. Right there." Harry was a moaning mess under Louis.

After few minutes Harry was close. "I'm gonna cum. Can I cum daddy? Please." Harry really wanted to cum. But Louis had an idea in mind.

"No. Hold it. Until I cum." Louis said picking up his pace. With a final thrust Louis came inside of his husband's body.

"Please I can't hold it anymore! I need to cum!" Harry was begging.

"Mkay you can cum." Louis said still fucking into Harry. Harry came all over his chest. "Feel better?" Louis asked chuckling.

Harry nodded. Trying to catch his breath. "Come on let's take a nap." Louis said after whipping him and Harry off. "I love you Harry."

"Love you too lou."

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