Meeting up

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After Harry got Archie from daycare he went back to the hotel. Opening the door to his room, Harry still has the pregnancy test in his pocket. "Daddy can me watch some tv?" Archie asked. He was already sitting on the couch.

"Sure monkey. What do you want to watch?" Harry asked his son. Lately Archie has been wanting to watch Team Umizoomi.

Harry was flipping through the channels trying to find the kid one. When he found the kids channel, it wasn't a show Archie wanted to watch. He wanted Team Umizoomi.

"Noooo daddy me want Team Zoomi!" Harry had a feeling this was going to happen. Archie starts to kick the air and throw his clothes that were neatly folded next to him.

"Come on Archie. Let's watch it. I promise you it looks interesting." Harry tried to convince the two year old. Only if Archie was to agree.

It only made Archie even more aggravated. "Noooo me not want to watch that!" Archie screamed.

Harry was tired and just as aggravated with his son. It was getting difficult for him to remain calm. Harry pulled his legs to his chest and folded his arms. He put his head down on his arms. Starting to cry, along with Archie's outburst. All that was going through Harry's head was why is he such a bad dad? He can't even control his son.

He remembers that he has a pregnancy test in his pocket. Harry gets up and goes to the bathroom. He hoped it was negative but at the same time he wanted it to be positive.

Taking a deep breath, Harry pulls out the test. Making sure the screen was facing downward. Harry places it on the sink counter. It was a now or never moment, he flipped it.

Pregnant 1-3 weeks

He can't control hie emotions anymore. Harry sits against the bathroom wall, crying. He is pregnant with Louis baby. Would Louis take him back if he was pregnant? He didn't know.

Getting up off the floor he look at the test again. He chuckled a little bit. He was actually pregnant.

Harry opened the bathroom door he could still hear Archie throwing a fit. But then it went quiet. He thought well that's weird. Harry walked into the living room seeing that Archie was asleep on the couch.

The next thing in mind was is he going to tell Louis. Harry looked around the hotel for a piece of paper. Once he was able to find one he wrote a letter to Louis. Sealing up the letter by putting it into a envelope.

In his situation, Harry decided to meet up with his husband. He was going to give him the envelope that had the pregnancy test and the letter addressed to him. He planned to meet at the cafe.

That being said he texted his husband >🫶🏼my baby😘< "Can we meet up at the town cafe? I have something I want to talk about." Harry waited for Louis to text him back. While he was waiting he cleaned up the hotel a little bit. Folding the clothes that Archie threw around when throwing his temper tantrum.

Once he sat back down Harry heard his phone go off. >🫶🏼my baby😘< "Sure. We can meet now if you want." Harry was glad that Louis was wanting to meet up with him. He was afraid Louis wouldn't want to.

Harry texted back a "Yes Please." Harry then went on to grab Archie, the hotel key, and the envelope.

Walking to the cafe Harry sees Louis sitting down at a table. Louis smiles a little bit when he sees his beloved son and husband. Harry sits Archie, who is still asleep, on his lap while he slides over the envelope to Louis.

"I don't want you to open it now. I would like for you to open it when I am not around." Harry says strictly. Louis only nods his head.

Louis would like for his husband and kids to come back home. "I am just generally speaking, but Harry I want you and our kid back home. I can't help but feel worried towards y'all." Louis looks at his son who is sleeping. He misses him. His smiles, his funny jokes, his late night talks, and generally his presence. That goes the same for Harry, his beautiful husband.

"Until you read what is in there we will not be coming back. I want your full and honest answer for what is in there." Harry just wants to jump into his husband's arms. He wants to kiss him so hard that his lips will be bruised, cuddle him at night, and just enjoy his presence for crying out loud.

"I understand." Is all that Louis can say.

With that they both left the cafe. Louis with the envelope in hand. Harry with Archie who is just now waking up.

Archie starts to whine. Without trying to cause a scene on the side walk in-front of Louis Harry just pats his son's back and makes shushing noises.

Louis heard the whine. He just wants to hug his son so tight. Instead he looks at the envelope in his hand. Would could possibly be in there? Divorce papers? Oh god. Louis hoped it wasn't divorce papers.

Louis only now noticed the fact that there is a object that is poking out.

What if Harry is pregnant?

Louis tries to not think of that when getting into his car and starting it up.

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