•Day 2 Part One•

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I woke up the next morning when my alarm went off. I got changed to try to look my best for school like I always do. "GET UP BRAT!" father yells. "Of course, father!" I raise my voice so he can hear me. Father always made sure I got up if my alarm doesn't wake me up. I normally tell him how much I love him, not anymore though. I've seen it annoys him and leads me to be punched in the face.

I love to play guitar! Normally I sneak to play it. When father catches me though, he always hits me till I bleed. Today I feel like it will all change though. I'm in the middle of brushing my hair when I hear the voices. The voices calling for me in the attic. I couldn't resist the warmth of it. I went up the hatch to the attic and found the book, just where I have left it. I get closer and closer to it. I turn the page. I faintly hear thunder. A spirit flies out of the book and begins to giggle.

It looks like an adorable child. Only difference is the grey skin, hair, and the creepy combining of legs that seems to fade like a fog into nothingness. "AH G... GHOST THINGY!" I yell as I back up. Ghost couldn't be real. That's only in myths. Like mermaids, fairies, those part horse people. But this wasn't a dream. "Oh, why you must get used to it, stuck with me is where you will be!" The ghost giggles.

The grey thing sounded like a little girl. "W... What do you mean?" I mumble as I slowly crawl back. It moves closer. " 6 feet under ye shall be if you were to be stuck with me. Yes, took you will be, in the book for eternity." The ghost says it like she's a girl scout reciting her pledge. "W... What do you mean by that?" I stumble backwards. "I won't tell! You can't break the spell!" It continues giggling.

The ghost vanishes while the book is where I left it. In the same spot, opened to the same page. I sit there, shocked on what I just saw. I ran through it in my head, but it still didn't make sense. Why did the ghost say 'Six feet under ye shall be if you were to be stuck with me! Yes, took you will be, in the book for eternity.' I write the phrase down.

"HEY COME ON BRAT! HURRY UP!" Father yells. "DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE!" I look at the time. Shoot. Half an hour till school starts. "I WILL!" I quickly yell. I go through my everyday routine much quicker to be at school on time. I run down the stairs. Lucy is ready to go. I roll my eyes at her. Mr. Smarty Pants is also ready to go. Aka Luke. Mom drives us to school and smiles. Her smile fills me with warmth, and I smile back.

School was the same as always, but it felt different. The rhyme lingered in my head. In between Math and Science Chad pulled me away into the janitor closet and pushed my shoulders up against the wall. He normally always did this. "Chad leave me alone." I tell him trying not to sound nervous. The guy with short dirty blond hair chuckles. "And why should I do that?" Chad looks at me with a mischievous smile. I look around hoping that someone would help me. Just then I spot a broom nearby, just out of reach. That can't help. He comes closer. I start to panic and kick him in the leg. He falls and I make a run for it. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Chad yells as he gets up. The bell rings for Science and I disappear into the crowd.

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