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Through the years me and Jess noticed that there are two creators that control everything in this world. Once when me, Jess, and Luke were talking, Jess broke the forth wall. "You know we get punished for that." I remind her. "Remember what happened when I acted up? A girl named Peyton replaced me for a month." I continue reminding her. "I'm tired of it then." Jess replied.

Just then Jess got one of the creators almost dying in goop. "Give us more rights, otherwise she dies!" Jess yelled. Luke stood by confused. "Where did this person come from?!" Luke asked panicked. After a bit of explaining and such we managed to be able to speak of the fourth wall and tell others.

After that, the creators seemed to be much more harsh. Punishing Luke for rebelling by torturing him. The two creators fought over who's way was right. Until they both decided to let me and Jess control them for a day. Like how they control us. Me and Jess were harsh, giving them hard lists to do of what they put me and Jess through. The creators were eleven to twelve years old.

After all of that, the creators I believe should treat us nicer. I hope they do and I can't wait for the future ahead. Luke turned out to be fine. He does seem to be going insane however. Anyways, wish us luck!

-Luna Moonlight

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