•The Book•

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I regain conscious in a weird blank room confused. A child seems to stand Infront of me. Just then, the night comes back to me. Lucy crying comes back. The sharp pain .And the ghost thing Infront of me. "Where are we? Is this Heaven?" I ask the thing. She giggles. "6 feet under ye shall be if you shall be stuck with me! Yes, took you will be, in the book for eternity." She states all of it. I almost forgot about that. "This is what an inside of a book looks like?" I ask the little girl ghost thing. "Oh the book you haven't seen. Look at yourself teen. Ye no longer have the gleam."

She examines me. I notice that I don't feel my legs. . . I look down at myself. I wear the same clothes as before but my skin. . ."I'M GRAY?!" I yell. "Your worried about that? Being as grey as a cat?" The ghost asks and giggles. "Stop talking like your in the Middle Ages!" I tell her, still paniking. "Is there anyway I can get out of here and continue my life?!" I ask frantically. "Escape will be if he shall open the book and take a look." The ghost continues giggling. "Even if you escape, you will be something people take. Freedom is long gone like before dawn. A dawn that will never come." She continues giggling.

I fly around searching for an exit. This can't be real. It can't. . .I see the wall glitch. "What the. . ." I mumble. After what feels like forever, I lost track of time. It could of been years, minutes, seconds. But I see a white light. It seems to be consuming the room. The ghost giggles. The light was blinding and there was nowhere to run. Maybe this is the light to escape. The become covered in light. The next thing I know, the attic is burning down. The ghost seems excited. "When the book is gone, the curse is done. The curse brings all who fall into it down." The thing continues giggling.

But I can't disappear! What about my family?! I quickly grab the book and run down stairs to the first floor. Some parts of the crumbling house falls around me or on me. It doesn't bother me much though. I just phase through. I exit the ruins and see that the house glitches. "W...what?" I mumble. Could Lucy's '4th wall breakthroughs be real? No..no that's impossible. . .I look at the book. It's a bit crisp, but still useable. Then I realize a weird sign on the fire. . .   No time.

I run into the forest, away from the burning house. A nice woman, Ivy, didn't seem to mind me and adopted me for five years. However, I knew that I was meant to be somewhere else. So late one night, I ran as fast as I could into the woods.

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