•Day 2 Part Two•

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I gasp for breath as I reach my class. That was too close. The class was easy as always. I answered all of the questions right and did the work while my partner slacked off. Same as usual. Collage is going to hit them like a bus if they don't start helping! Anyways, I eat lunch at a table with a lot of popular girls like myself. They all want to be like me after they found out I was the Luna from the songs they listen to. Some girls ask me to sign just about everything they own. Everyone knows my singing no surprise. Lucy just sits next to Lisa as always. Luke sometimes joins them I think.

I walk pass their table and giggle at Lucy. She has no fans. Infact, she doesn't deserve them! Hah unlike Rose. . .Rose. . .Memories hit me like a bus. It's like another life that I visit often. Lucy punching me against the wall knocks me out of it. She stands with her fist clutched around a napkin. I hold my stomach, the place she punched me. People from my table start running. "Talk about loyalty." I mumble. Lucy seems very mad. I know that if I survive this, I'll be lucky. But then a lunch aid breaks it up and sends Lucy to the principal office.

The rest of the day went by like a blur. I went through my classes with ease. We head home, dad yells at Lucy, Lucy goes into her room, blah blah blah. Dinner did feel off. Father was more happy then usual. I asked him why, but he just smiled and said nothing. I was happy that father was happy. Was he proud? Does he think I'm not worthless? I headed to my room and went to sleep. I wake up to footsteps in the hall. I woke up, thinking that it must be morning, and sat up in my bed. Dad came in holding a knife with a grin on his face. This is when I noticed the time. The clock read 12:32 am. "Dad? What are you doing up this late?" I ask him while rubbing my eyes.

"Luna, your no use to me anymore. Do you know what I do with things that are useless to me?" He asks while touching the sides of the knife. "I get rid of them." He tells me creepily. I stare at him with horror. He wouldn't kill his own daughter! Would he?! I get up and make a pace out the door. He quickly follows. Then, I remember the future Lucy saying something about Luke's room and portal! I quickly change my direction to Luke's room, careful not to wake him. Times I wish mom let me have my phone next to my bed. I spot a platform that looked mechanic and jumped onto it. The thing made weird noises, but teleported me. A thought came into my mind: It wasn't a lie. I'm in the future.

I quickly ran like I knew where to go. It lead me to future me's house. Lucy opened the door. She has purple bangs with brown hair. Her eyes were green. She let me into the house. Future me was there too! We were in the kitchen when we heard a knock on the door. Lucy answered it. I try to stay as low as I can. Father was searching for me and asked where I was politely. Thoughts ran through me head. Has he done this to others? Why are future me and Lucy friends? This must be a dream.

Father shoves Lucy and runs in. He looks around, tossing furniture all over the place! I hide behind a thrown couch, hoping not to be found. Father stops right next to the couch. I wish I didn't put on my strong perfume this morning. I shouldn't let them fall  with me! He rushes over and pins Future Lucy and Luna to a wall. He threatens them with a weapon. At that moment, I've made up my mind. I stand up from my hiding place. What am I doing?! "Father I'm what your looking for! Don't hurt them!" I yell. Father turns his head and chuckles. "I knew you would crack." He started running toward me knife in hand.

Next thing I know I have a sharp pain in my chest. I get so tired...Future Luna and Lucy rush over to me. They seem a bit blurry now. They seem to be so frantic. Why are they panicked? I'm just sleepy. Just then everything turns black. The last thing I hear is future Lucy crying.

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