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It's like I never left it. It turns out that it has been ten years! Geez! I felt guilty and remembered Amaya, my child, and Jamie. I knew I had to make things right, but how? I walk around and notice that people are alot older. I quickly run to check my locked up diaries. They are dusty but still there. I'm glad that nothing bad has happened to them.

I hear fighting in the other room and peek my head out. I see a teen walk in with green skin. . .she didn't seem to be a zombie. Her clothes were fine, no blood, blah blah blah. I stare at her and realize something. Is she. No. I'm. Oh no. She took my element. Me and some others each have an element. I was earth, Jess was Sun, so on. Jess continues giving her a lecture, "Flora! Your grounded, you can't hang out with Kassi without telling me!" Jess yells. So that's her name. "Come on mom! Quit being so unfair!" Flora complains. Another girl is there. She has pink skin. The female version of Henchman? I notice her name is Aria.

"I'm going to my room to calm down." Jess says and goes upstairs. "Pssst! Aria I'm going to see Kassi. Don't tell mom." Flora tells Aria not very quietly. The word "Mom" struck me. Did Jess adopt them?! After Flora leaves I exit. Memories of Lucy going insane rushes through my head. I remember when Jess trapped me in the book and threw me into the void. The place where something random happens to you if you get thrown into it.

I became stuck with the ghost from the book in the same body. I shiver just thinking about it. I go to the graveyard, thinking it would calm me down. Just then, I see Jess lighting father's grave on fire. I think Jess might of seen me, but I hide in a nearby bush just as Flora ran over. "M..MOM?!" Flora walks back slowly. Jess seems in shock. "Mom, I'm going." Flora seems to stutter a bit. "Sure, it's your choice." Jess replied.

I could practically see Flora's jaw open and tears springing into her eyes as she ran without looking back. I stood there with my eyes darting back and forth. I knew I shouldn't be doing this I knew it. I quickly got out of there.

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