Chapter 6: I didn't expect this to be a musical and now I regret my decision

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New Chapter!

Third Person
Canterlot High School Gym

Zero was starting to regret his decision to come to Canterlot High. If the dirty looks everyone was giving to each other from across the gym and the mass amounts of gossip about everyone were anything to go off of, at least.

Zero noticed that this school was much bigger than the ones on Mobius. Usually people chose to homeschool their kids, or they didn't get an education at all. It wasn't uncommon for you to meet someone who didn't know how to multiply by 2s or finish the rest of the alphabet. Somehow, almost everyone knew basic English, and spoke it fluently.

When we walked in with Sunset and Twilight, they immediately started walking to another group of girls, all very colorful and stuffing their faces with food. Zero thumbed over the Phantom Ruby in his pocket, to provide him at least some form of comfort.

He turned to Sunset Shimmer, "Is your school always like this..?" He asked.

"No, usually everyone's so friendly." She replied. "It must be The Dazzlings' spell that's making them act this way."

She finished saying that just as the three arrived at the group of girls they were walking towards. The one with white skin and purple hair was the first one to notice them.

"Oh! Is this Zero?" She said, getting the other girl's attention. "I'm Rarity. We've heard so much about you!"

Zero lightly blushed at the thought of someone actually talking about him. "Oh, uh, hello. I've heard a lot about you all as well."

As introductions were made, Zero saw Twilight walk off, seemingly looking for something or someone before she ran into a blue-haired boy, who caught her before she could fall and dropping his empty blue cup in the process. When Twilight realized who it was, she became a stuttering, flustered mess.

"Ah! Uh... bumped- into- always- doing..." She stuttered. The rest of the group gave her a knowing look, like she was always like this around this certain boy.

The blue-haired boy set her back up in her own two feet. "What are you doing here? You came for the big competition, right?" He asked, smiling down at her as she blushed even harder.

"Something like that." She responded.

Zero scoffed, getting the girls' attention. "I've seen more chemistry between a bird and a worm." He said, crossing his arms. Rarity, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash laughed. "Is she always like this around him?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't believe how she gets when Flash Sentry is in the same room as her."

Zero continued to listen to their conversation. Flash chuckled. "Not that there's gonna be any real competition. No one here wants to win as bad as my band does." He said, giving a proud smirk.

Movement from the doors to the entrance caught Zero's eye. He looked over to see a trio of girls enter the gym.

"Are those The Dazzlings?" He asked, turning his head to Sunset Shimmer.

She nodded. "The orange-haired one is Adagio Dazzle, the blue Sonata Dusk, and the purple Aria Blaze."

He watched as Rainbow Dash picked a chocolate chip off of Pinkie Pie's cookie and and flicked it into Twilight's hair. She rubbed at the back of her head, but turned to Rainbow Dash who gestured to the doors.

"Can you excuse me for a moment." She said to Flash before her and the other girls, except for Sunset and Zero, walked up to The Dazzlings. Zero picked up a chocolate chip cookie and took a small bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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