Chapter Four: Talking about the sirens that envaded the school

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New Chapter

Third Person
Sugar Cube Cafe
(Note: I'm not shipping Sunset and Zero/Infinite, it's just for the banter and plot. Kay thx <3)

A few weeks after Sunset Shimmer found Zero, they fortified a better backstory for him other than the "family from over seas." Also a few weeks after Sunset Shimmer had found Zero, a trio called "The Dazzlings" appeared. They charmed nearly the whole school with their Siren Song. With the help of Twilight Sparkle, who is now back at Canterlot High, they're going to take down The Dazzlings and save the world once again.

Currently, the group was sitting at a small cafe they often frequented, catching up on anything and everything they had missed since they had parted ways.

Rarity was the first to speak after they sat down with their milkshakes. "Oh, I do hate that you had to return in a time of crisis. We have so much catching up to do!"

"For starters, a certain blue-haired guitar player was just askin' 'bout you." Applejack chimed in.

Twilight gasped, twirling a lock of her purple hair with her pointer finger while she blushed. "Flash Sentry was asking about me?!" When the other girls leaned in teasingly, she put her hands down on the table and looked away to slurp her drink. "Isn't that nice."

"Well, perhaps you can give us just the slightest bit of gossip from your world?" Rarity asked.

This time, Spike spoke from the comforts of Fluttershy's arms. "She's got an official title now!" He took a dog treat he had been handed and blew into it, like he was playing the trumpet. "The Princess of Friendship!"

"Wow that's really impressive!" Sunset complemented. "Guess you were Princess Celestia's priced pupil..."

Ignoring Sunset's words, Twilight put down her drink and turned to face the girls again. "So, what's new here? I mean, besides your school becoming the target of dangerous magic from Equestria?"

Rainbow Dash sighed, "Yeah, besides Sunset's mysterious boyfriend that she won't tell us anything about," That earned her a groan from the girl in question, with protests that probably weren't family friendly, "that isn't the only strange thing that's happened since you left."

She pulled out her phone, quickly pulling up a video of her playing guitar. As she pressed play, the video showed her transforming into her "pony form," her wings fluttering like they had been hidden inside of her shirt for too long and they were finally getting air.

"Pretty sweet huh?" Rainbow Dash continued. She leaned her chair back on two legs and put her feet up on the table, earning herself a glare from Rarity. "It happens when all of us play!"

Twilight hummed, "My crown was returned to Equestria, but some of it's magic must have remained here at Canterlot High." She said. "Also, boyfriend..?"

Sunset groaned again. "Not my boyfriend! I found him injured a while ago and took him to the hospital. Now, I visit him every day to make sure he's not dead."

Rarity gave her a look, swirling her straw in her milkshake. "We all know that something fishy's going on between you two, Darling. You don't have ti hide anything from us. If something really is happening between you and this 'Zero' guy, we won't judge."

Sunset groaned again. "Not my boyfriend! That's just be gross..." she turned to Twilight to explain the situation. "I've told them, he's my cousin from Emerald City, overseas. We're definitely not dating..."

"That's what they all say~!" Rarity sang from the background.

Twilight chuckled into her hand. "Don't worry, I believe you." She said, taking another sip from her milkshake before continuing. "Now that we're all back together, we can use that magic on the sirens, just like we were able to use it on Sunset Shimmer when she turned into that awful horrifying terrible evil winged monster!" She looked back at Sunset. "No offense..."

Sunset looked away awkwardly. "None taken..." She sighed, letting out a pathetic excuse for a laugh. "I'm used to it."

Rainbow Dash pitched in again. "They'll never even know what hit 'em!" She said as she started to mock-fight the air with a few flimsy kicks and punches. When she went to fake-punch Applejack, the latter caught the rainbow-haired girl's fist.

"We've got nothin' to worry about!" The country girl said. "Twilight's back, and we have a fighting chance."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I could find something to worry about..." Fluttershy whispered, until she perked up. "But it won't be the sirens!"

Twilight smiled. "The sooner we do this, the better." She said. "Any idea where The Dazzlings might be?"

Pinkie Pie immediately inhaled the rest of her chocolate milkshake, getting some of it on her face. "There's a big party tonight for all the bands who signed up for the showcase!" She announced. "That would include The Dazzlings!"

Twilight reached over with a napkin and wiped off Pinkie's face. "Looks like we've got a party to crash." She said as she smirked. "We should get ready then!"

"Actually, I've got to go pick up Zero." Sunset said, looking frantically at the door. "The hospital's releasing him today, in about..." she checked her watch. "An hour or so."

As Rarity gave her a knowing look, Twilight glanced over to Sunset while grabbing her bag. "Do you mind if I come with?" She asked. "I just want to make sure he's not some Eldridge Horror from the depths of Tartarus."

Sunset looked hesitant, but nodded anyways. "Sure, I guess."

The group all jealously groaned in unison, until Pinkie Pie chimed in. "Hey! Maybe you can bring him along to the party? He can join the band!"

Sunset thought for a moment. "That... might actually be a good idea. I can ask, okay?"

Pinkie frantically nodded.

Everyone said their goodbyes, and Sunset and Twilight walked out the door and started off towards the hospital.

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