Chapter Two: Waking up in a hospital. I hate hospitals.

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Edited: 6/10/2023

Third Person
Some Random Hospital

There were three things that he noticed when he woke up.

The first thing he noticed when he woke up was the fact that, he indeed, woke up. Which, last time he checked, he was passing out from blood loss on the front lawn of a high school.

The second, a constant, annoying beeping sound that rang in his ears like a bell. His head felt like it had been hit like a brick, and even though he wasn't eager to, he opened his eyes.

The third thing he noticed when he woke up was the smell, giving away that he was indeed in a hospital.

He hated hospitals.

He didn't immediately sit ip when he opened his eyes, trying to get his bearings first before he gave himself a head rush. He had almost died from blood loss, after all.

"You're awake."

Damnit, make that four things he noticed when he woke up.

Number four, he wasn't alone, which he should have expected.

"Unfortunately." He replied, finally choosing to sit up and lean his head back against the wall, taking the arm that didn't have an IV attached to his head to rub the sleep out of his eyes. When he moved, he could feel the bandages around his chest shift uncomfortably, a tiny wave of pain creeping past the painkillers they had probably drugged him up on ram through his body. He winced.

"Yeah, you probably shouldn't move your arms for a while, may reopen the stitches and whatever skin they replaced yours with."

He turned his head and glared at the voice and her snarky comments. When he laid eyes on that orange hair from across the room he knew immediately that it was the girl from yesterday, or whenever he had met her. The one who had asked him about... horses..?

She smirked, crossing her arms. "So, you gonna tell me your name, or do I have to keep calling you 'John Doe?'"

He rolled his eyes and thought for a moment.

Maybe... he could start fresh?

No one knew him yet, at least he didn't think.

Better safe than sorry.


She rose a brow. "'Zero?' What about your last name?"

He shook his head. "Don't have one. What about your name? Shouldn't I know the name of my savior?" He asked sarcastically.

"Well, you're lucky I told them you were family from overseas, otherwise you'd probably get rejected and sent away, left to die." She huffed. "Here, you're Zero Shimmer. Fitting, since you seem so dark and dingy." He glared at her. "And, my name's Sunset Shimmer."

Zero didn't question her odd name. He knew someone named Sonic for crying out loud.

He hummed in acknowledgment.

"I have a few questions." She said.

He responded, "Ask away."

I'm assuming you're not from Equestria, since you didn't seem to know what that is, so why don't you tell me where you're from." Sunset Shimmer started to pick at her nails. He was about to lie and say that he was from a neighboring city, but she cut him off. "And don't bother lying, I saw you fall out of the portal."

He sighed. "From a planet called Mobius. Everyone here seems... human. Right?"

She nodded. "Most people anyways, besides from who I'm assuming you, and another girl who comes between worlds from time to time." She moved her chair to be closer to him. "Next question, what's with the gaping hole in your chest? Again, don't bother lying."

Zero sighed again. "Previously, the 'gaping hole in my chest' was from a gem that was there."

"There was a gem in your chest?"


"Is that normal."

"Not usually, no."

Her eyes flickered to his bandaged chest. "So, it wouldn't happen to be one of those gems right there, would it?" She pointed to the table next to him.

Lying there on the table was his mask, and two gems. One, being a white Chaos Emerald, and the other being the Phantom Ruby, still as he had ever seen it.

He almost gasped, eyes going wide.

"Actually, yes." He said. "The red one. I... don't recommend touching it more than you already have..."

She hummed, and decided not to question it.

"You want to get back home, right?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Assuming you have a home to return to."




"No, I don't want to go home." Zero responded. "I... let's just say I did some bad things and I don't really want to face them. Not yet, anyways."

She shrugged. "Understandable." She crossed her arms again. "You weren't human back on... Mobius, was it? What were you?

He responded, picking at the IV in his arm until she swatted his hand away. "A jackal." He said shortly.

"Really?" She said, almost sounding astonished. "I've seen a lot of anamorphic animals, and none of them have been jackals."

He didn't respond for a moment, until he asked, "So, what now?"

"Well, you don't want to go home, right?" Sunset Shimmer asked. When Zero shook his head, she continued. "Then you can stay here until you're ready. I can enroll you into my school, and when you get out of this place you can live with me for the time being."

His eyes widened. "Seriously?" He asked. "You're not... joking or anything, right?"

"Nope, I'm serious." She responded. "Just, don't become a magical version of yourself, okay?"


"'What,' what?"


Zero sighed, lifting his head and smiling at her. "Thank you, Sunset Shimmer."

"You're too formal." She groaned, shivering with unease from the use of her full name. "No full name's okay? Just Sunset, please."

"If you insist."

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