Chapter Five: Turns out I need to save the world instead of destory it. Okay!

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New Chapter

Third Person
Some Random Hospital

Zero smiled dimly as he looked up at the door from his chair with both the Chaos Emerald and the Phantom Ruby tucked safely away into his strange pocket dimension of hair. Sunset entered the lobby of the hospital, this time with another girl. This one has purple hair and skin, and was dressed similarly to a Japanese schoolgirl with her button up shirt.

"Hey, Zero!" Sunset greeted, going to stand by his chair. "Ready to go?"

He scoffed playfully. "I was ready the minute I got here." He said, standing up with a crack in his bones. "Who's your friend?"

The purple-haired girl stepped forward, reaching a hand out for a handshake. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you, Zero!"

Zero returned the handshake. "Same to you."

Sunset cleared her throat, getting the two's attention. Their hands dropped, Zero's finding their way into his pockets and Twilight's by her side.

"Now, I know you just got out of the hospital, but we were wondering if you wanted to help us." She said. Zero narrowed his eyes, but motioned for her to continue on. "A while ago, Twilight here lost a magical crown, one that she had to come here to this world for. The crown seems to have left some of it's magic behind, and therefore attracted some Sirens."

Zero's face gave over to a confused expression. "Like, mermaids?"

Twilight shook her hand in a "so-so" motion. "They're more like seahorses with magic singing abilities." She explained. "They were banished from my world, Equestria, a long time ago by a wizard, and now that they sense Equestrian magic again they want to find a way back. We're looking to take them down."

Zero thought for less than a second before agreeing.

"Okay, I'm down."

Both girls looked surprised.

"Wait what?"


"You're just gonna agree that quickly?!" Sunset scolded him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, pretty much." Zero replied. "Besides, I live here too now, may as well preserve it so I can live here a little longer, ya know?"

Both girls sighed.

"Just-" Sunset cut herself off. "Okay, that'll work."

Twilight grinned. "Let's get going then!" She said.

The three started to walk, again, towards Canterlot High, where the rest of the friend group was waiting for them in the gym.

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