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There are many ways one might describe their first day at University. Exciting, a new opportunity, a new stage in life, a restart, or even tense and awkward; but Rain hadn't expected his to be classifiable as a complete and utter disaster. Okay, maybe it wasn't, but he liked to think ao considering some of his photos on the Freshy Boy Facebook page were taken at an unflattering angle.

Rain was someone not vain but well put together and who enjoyed to dress up nicely whenever he could. The first day of such a major part of his life was no exception to this. Though of course still following the dress code.

He wore his silver hair half up in a ponytail as the rest covered the nape of his neck in a well groomed mullet while two decently sized strands of hair framed his face in the form of curtain bangs. He wore a subtle glossy lip tint and brown eyeliner to enhance his natural beauty and elegance while wearing his white button up shirt under an oversized, warm-tan cashmere sweater. His boxy jeans were cuffed just above the ankle leaving room for a pair of white socks, a gold anklet on his right foot, and a pair of pristine lowcut Nike trainers. For jewelry at his neck and likes he stayed simple with gold studs and a dainty chain that followed the curve of his prominent collar bone. It was an understatement to say he was well dressed, and even more so to simply call him attractive. His Korean half made him stand out from most others at the opening ceremony and not for a lack of overwhelming attention. His high-school best friend and professional sarcasm champion was no less jawdropping; wearing similar attire in the form of a cardigan, plaid beige and brown dress pants, and a pair of white sneakers.

While half of the attention the pair got from other freshmen and the junior staff organizing the event came in the form of passive aggressive comments like 'aren't they a bit overdressed?' and 'tryhards', neither of the two seemed phased in the slightest. Rather, their focus was on actively avoiding eye contact with the girls that tried to sneakily take photos of them to share in whatever group chats they were part of commenting things like 'they look like idols' and 'wow, he's so hot!'

The ceremony dragged on for a few hours and several activities such as making name tags and sharing three facts about oneself ensued; they were dismissed for an hour break to hydrate and get some food as provided by the junior members attending. Rain and sky had found a spot on the floor not too far away from the gathering spot and had made themselves comfortable with chicken and rice bowls and iced tea, taking their time while keeping an eye put for anyone who might look like fun to hang out with.

"When do you think we'll be assigned our senior groups?" Sky asked, more interested in the Styrofoam container of food in his hands than anything his friend could possibly think to say, but striking up conversation anyway.

"I don't know. Soon, right? Maybe after orientation they'll send the photos out" Rain shrugged, looking around in an attempt to spot any seniors at all when his eyes landed on a man a few years older than himself, maybe 25 or 26, a visibly strong build even under a black shirt and quite possibly the most handsome face he'd ever seen in his entire life. Choking on a chunk of rice, Rain attempted to collect himself but refusing to look away as it felt the man would disappear with even just a blink. With the man's presence, Rain noticed all the attention on him shift to crowd around the man who greeted the freshman girls politely with a Wai struck conversation with the juniors; though the two were sat just out of earshot to know what it was they were talking about.

Beautiful girls, stunningly handsome guys, this place hardly seemed like the faculty of architecture. Maybe this place was really just a modeling agency disguised by the shell of an old university building to lure young people in. "So do all the attractive people hide on university campuses or what? Is this normal?" Rain muttered sarcastically as he gathered himself again, though, much to his expectation, Sky hadn't cared to listen as he was still laser focused on enjoying his meal.

Considering the massive glow up Rain underwent over the summer to ensure the possibility of the tiniest shred of a romantic life and his nonexistent history with anything romance, he'd suddenly both given up on and hyped himself up for what might finally be his spring. Sure, he'd have to make an effort to flirt but charisma came naturally to him and he was ready to accept whatever direction the wind decided to take him. And now, sitting at his dormitory desk scrolling through the social media groups of the faculty, he was excited to see where it'd carry him first.

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