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Waking up next to Phayu was a surreal feeling. In fact, Rain couldn't even begin to believe this wasn't a dream. Phayu's peaceful expression as he rested, the sunlight tracing his figure and making him glow with a golden shimmer as though he was nothing short of holy. Rain wanted to kiss him, to snuggle close and cling to him for all eternity. Everything had happened so fast between them, in developing feelings and getting together, but this was something that Rain felt was owed to him for a long time. Not by Phayu, but by life. His fate had been difficult to read and while he made an effort to stay positive even in the toughest times, he finally found the reason for his existence. His purpose was to love and take care of Phayu. It didn't just feel rewarding, it felt as though he'd been hardwired to do so and to deny himself of it would be to stray from his fundamental purpose. And as a reward for his love, he'd get the same in return.

"What are you thinking about?" Rain was startled by the sound of Phayu's voice as he realized the man looked back, and unsure if he should tell the truth or not. 

"Im just happy" He decided, smiling to himself, though suddenly he felt curious. "Hey, Phi, how do you manage working in the garage and your day job?" 

Phayu chuckled, averting his eyes to look at the ceiling and think about it. Did he really manage it? At this point he was working most of the day, but he really didnt mind it at all. "The garage, it's a hobby. It makes me happy. Im skilled at it too, and I get paid a lot from our VIP customer."

"The guy that runs the street race?" Phayu turned his head and nodded. They had a mutual respect for one another, and Phayu was the only one the man trusted to touch his motorcycles as he knew he couldnt be bought by some freaks trying to ruin his races. "What was his name again?"

"Pakin. That's his alias at least. I've never met him personally. He wants to keep the street race business a private matter. Not because it's illegal- im not actually sure why.. But thats as much as I've heard."

"Scary..." Rain shuddered, just thinking about someone like that made him nervous. There was no way in hell a man who so casually payed off the cops to host private street races on public roads wasn't involved in other shady business. It wasn't a surprise hearing from Phayu that Ai Stop had been there a few times, at the curcuit complaining and threatening to cause a ruckus. The idiot probably just wanted to show off the fact that he could get in. 

The pair basked in the rays of sunlight shining from between sheer curtains that blew in the wind with a gentle breeze. "Are you feeling better now..?"

Phayu looked over at Rain with a raised brow, realizing finally that he was talking about the night before. What was so much worse was the sound of genuine worry in the boys voice, his big doe eyes staring up at him hopefully. "Yeah.. I'm a lot better" He nodded, though it wasn't the whole truth. Sure, he felt comforted from his paniced and enraged state from last night, but this would all only go away once Stop disappeared. Once Rain belonged to him entirely and he no longer had to worry about that asshole trying to steal him away. 

"You know you're always welcome here, P'Phayu... I'll never deny you" Rain mumbled, trying to hint at the hesitance that lead to Phayu only sleeping over last night. In all truth, Rain wasn't nearly as innocent as he appeared to. Sure, he was still a virgin, but that didn't mean he didn't have impure thoughts- no less since he met Phayu. That man had been driving him crazy to the point of feeling embarrassed to even pleasure himself while thinking of him.  

Phayu chuckled again, kissing the top of Rains crown and holding him close to his chest. Maybe they'd get their chance to do it again soon... and hopefully he wouldn't cock-block himself again when the time came. "Can I stay with you today?" He asked, his heart racing in his chest just thinking about it but insisting on asking anyway. 

"Of course Phi! I'll make you breakfast-" Rain cheered, rushing to get out of bed only to be dragged back onto the mattress.

"Not yet, bunny. I want to hug you first"

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