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Having given the other a pair of sweatpants and a towel to dry off earlier, Rain was now laying on the sofa with Phayu on top, face down and hugging him close with shallow breath as Rain combed his fingers through the other's hair carefully, watching the strands fall into place, settling as his hand removed itself to stroke through it again. This was certainly not what Rain had thought of when he suggested they cuddle to comfort Phayu in his state of... well, that was still to be determined, wasn't it? What this was all about exactly.. He'd never once seen Phayu like that, not even when he'd been beaten. Whatever the reason was behind this sudden breakdown... he might have to brace for it. 

Lifting his head from Rains chest where he'd listened to the boys heartbeat carefully, Phayu supported the weight of his upperbody with his arms, one on the edge of the sofa cushion by the Rains shoulder, and the other on the arm rest that the boy beneath him had been using as a pillow. In the dim lighting of the dark apartment, Phayu could still see the sparkle in Rains eye so clearly, shimmering with crystallised emotion floating in a vast sea of perfection.

His skin glew in radiance as though the moonlight reflected off of it, glowing while his tousled bleach blond hair framed his crown angelically. But what Phayu's eyes were drawn to helplessly, were the plump pink lips glassy and kissable and parted with a slight gap that seemed ever so welcoming to him. Whispering, Phayu spoke for the first time since Rain had invited him inside. The silhouette of his body expanding and collapsing subtly with his every breath.

"Can I kiss you, Rain?"

The boy blinked, nodding gently, watching as one of Phayu's hands moved to caress his chin and cheek before leaning in and allowing for their lips to lock. Pulling away slightly every now and then to make room for breath, Phayu's lips plucked at Rain's, begging to be acknowledged as sweetly as he'd given his own attention.

The gaps between their love grew shorter each time the older pulled away and soon Rain made room for the tongue that had grazed his lip so gently. It hurt so much to see Phayu suffer, and it hurt even worse knowing he couldn't do anything to ease it whilst the other kept it hidden inside of him, but the pain was far from one sided. Phayu felt like dying. He didn't want to think anymore. His imagination had betrayed him and in a way he was sure would haunt him for the rest of his life. The only thing that seemed to aid in relieving the pressure in his chest was to touch Rain. To feel his pulse thump against the fingers on Rain's neck and to share the air that filled his lungs.

The hands caressing the back of his neck and hair before stretching to drape around his shoulders and the thighs that had found themselves to either side of his hips. A small hum disappeared into the tight embrace of their lips, outwardly ambiguous as to who the sound belonged to but as clear as day in the face of Phayu who noticed the vulnerability grasping at Rain who's hot breaths and flushed face had given away the extent of his enjoyment. Basking in the sight, Phayu swallowed hard, his grip on the fabric of the sofa cushion below the other tightening as the bulge in his sweatpants grew uncomfortably tense.

In a moment of hesitation, he'd actually considered the possibility of it. The chance at consent, to go further. To make Rain his. He looked so perfect under him like this, blushing and panting and innocently doe-eyed. Phayu's imagination jump-started like an engine, revving with sinful thoughts and fantasies about the details of a fantasy he wished more than anything to play out now. But he didn't. Instead, he pulled away, sitting up; an action which confused the other greatly. They were just kissing! Why was he suddenly so distant?

Rain sat up with him a few seconds later, trying not to stare but unable yo keep himself from trying to make eyecontact once more. "Im sorry bunny" Phayu started, the tone of his voice nearly as tense as the muscles in his back.

"What for? I agreed, didn't I?" Rain replied, speaking softly as to not provoke any further figurative distance between them.

"I know but... tonight's been a mess... And I don't want to rush anything onto you"

Rain paused to think. Phayu had been in a state when he came knocking, and it was a bit sudden as he didn't have anything prepared for... Rain blushed, shaking his head. That wasn't the point. Pressing his lips together in a line in contemplation, Rain made his choice and carefully made his way onto Phayu's lap; straddling him. "If you just need my embrace, or if you want something more... either way... I won't say no. Whatever it is going on in your head... I'm here."

"Then... can I stay here tonight?" Phayu asked, nuzzling his face into the boys neck as he brushed his fingers through his silky raven hair soothingly. Rain smiled through worried brows, humming softly with a buzz in his chest and a sigh of relief too subtle to he noticed by anyone but himself.

"Of course you can. Come... let's get some rest"

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