The beginning; Rookie Season Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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< Glazing Galore Restaurant>

Shakes and the rest of the Supa Strika team finally get to the restaurant. Outside already where Supa Strikas fans cheering and shouting. A group of girls were already inside, drinking, smoking their vapes and on the phones taking selfies and being on live on social media. It was Nakia there with her girlfriends (and some tag alongside that are mostly acquaintances) were in there. Eunice was supposed to be there but she was at her hotel packing her stuff up to move to her temporary apartment. She tried to contact both Shakes and Skarra but only Shakes replied back to her. No reply from Skarra, but she just assumed he was busy doing something football related.

Nakia: Hey babe! *hugs Automatic*
Automatic: Hey sweetheart.
Nakia: Girls the boys are here but remember what we talked about.
Cynthia: Yea yea... Anyways where's the rookie?
Debbie: Yea he's a cute little guy!
Stephanie: He has a lot of potential.
*All the girls agree.*
Nakia: Girls behave! He's the youngest, he's basically a baby so don't be too eager on him.
Cynthia: *drinks her cocktail* Oh I'll be gentle...
Bailey: Umm why did that sound so ominous?
Cynthia: Girl whatever *laughs*
*Cynthia finishes her drink and fixed herself up before walking towards Shakes. *

*Shakes was on his phone texting his friends and then took a sip of his drink handed to him by a waiter. Cynthia stands in a seductive pose and clear her throat. Causing Shakes to look up and meet her bright brown eyes. *

Shakes: *coughs* Hi.
Cynthia: *giggles* Hey... Rookie.
Shakes: Yea... That's me. *nervous laughs* Anyways, what's your name?
Cynthia: Cynthia Stalls.
Shakes: Okay, well I'm Shakes.. Mokena.
*They give each other a handshake with giving each other eye contact. Cynthia uses her thumb to caress Shakes hand during the handshake. He notices and blushes a bit. *

Shakes: Um, would you like a drink I can get one for you.
Cynthia: I would love one *winks*
*They walk over to the bar together and Klaus notices them. He rushes over to Shakes' side and taps him on the shoulder. *

Klaus: *whispers* Hey Shakes! I need to talk to you.
Shakes: Hold on a minute Cynthia I'll be back.
Cynthia: Okay... don't keep me waiting Shakie...
*Shakes smiles and Klaus pulls him towards North Shaw, Blok and Twisting Tiger who were chatting to some girls and each other.*

Shakes: Klaus what is it? Can't you see I was talking to that girl?!
Klaus: Yea I know because I wanted to warn you about her. Even though she's just 19, she has a known rep.
Shakes: *crosses his arms* Not everyone because I don't know what you're on about.
North Shaw: Klaus dude. Leave them alone.
Blok: Berzegel berg.
Twisting Tiger: Yea, you're gonna scare him off already. *laughs*
Shakes: Scared me off? What the hell?!
Klaus: Yes Shakes, it's all over the blogs and some gossip magazines.
Cynthia: Hey Shakieee!
Shakes: She's calling me, Lool Klaus we can talk about this another time.
*Shakes walks off and Klaus shakes his head. *

Shakes: Hey Cynthia, sorry to keep you waiting.
Cynthia: It's okay, I got us drinks, don't worry yours is a mocktail...
Shakes: Oh thanks *smiles boldly*
Cynthia: And the fact that you're a baby... *giggles*
Shakes: I am not a baby *nervous laughs*
Cynthia: Yea right *sips on cocktail drink*
Shakes: Yea even though I'm told I have a baby face, I'm 18.
Cynthia: *gasps* No way!
Shakes: Yes!
Cynthia: *playfully hits arm* Wow! Well guess how old I am...
*Shakes looks up and down at Cynthia*

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