The beginning; Rookie Season Chapter 7

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Skarra walks up to Eunice's suite, where she was already outside looking at her phone not noticing Skarra was walking up behind her.

Skarra: Boo! *laughs*
Eunice: *gasps* Skarra?! You actually came?!
Skarra: Yea darling. *laughs*
*Skarra pulls Eunice closer to him and holds up her chin.*

Skarra initiates a kiss from Eunice and she gives in. She puts her hand over his shoulders and he puts his hands resting on her bum. The kiss lasted a good 3 minutes before Eunice pulls away.

Eunice: Wait... Damn I can't believe I just let that happen.
Skarra: Don't worry, I've talked to Maya we are strictly just friends. No more sex or other stuff.
Eunice: Hmm...
Skarra: Baby believe it.
*Skarra pecks Eunice's lips.*

Eunice: *sighs* Skarra I don't want too much  drama...
Skarra: It's all good, okay? Look...
Skarra looks directly into Eunice eyes

Skarra: I want to take you out... On a real date.
Eunice: For reals?
Skarra: *laughs* For reals darling.
Eunice smiles and looks down blushing

Eunice: Okay... But...
Skarra: What's up?
Eunice: I'm going back to London next week you know.
Skarra: Oh shit!
Eunice: Yea, I don't like long distance relationships. They ain't for me at all.
Skarra: But darling, you haven't tried it with me.
Eunice: *sighs* Okay come in, we can continue this conversation in my room.
Skarra: *smiles* Okay!
Eunice: *laughs* Don't get any ideas, we are just talking.
Skarra: Yea sure *laughs*

They enter Eunice's room. Her room was warm and the TV was showing Spongbob SquarePants. Eunice takes off her robes revealing her bikini that she was still wearing. Skarra sat on the edge of the bed and looks at her with full concentration.

Eunice: Oi pervert I know you're looking.
Skarra: Well what do you expect when you're so beautiful like that.
Eunice: Whatever *laughs*

Eunice goes into the bathroom to change into a sexy nightgown while Skarra takes off his sliders and snuggles into Eunice's bed and makes himself comfortable. Eunice exits to the bathroom and saw Skarra playing games on his phone.

Eunice: Wow. You're really in my bed with outside clothes?
Skarra: Oh do you want me to take everything off? Because that will be no problem.
Eunice: Hmmm. Yes, take it off.
Skarra: *laughs* You're serious?!
Eunice: *smiles* Yep.

Eunice smiles seductively and crawls on the bed towards Skarra. Skarra drops his phone on the bed and flirtatiously smiles back at Eunice.

Eunice: Boy... Get out my bed.
Skarra:*laughs* But I'm tired.
Eunice: Then go back to your room and sleep. We can continue our conversation on the phone.
Skarra: Nah don't worry. *sits up* I'm fully awake, let's have it now.
Eunice: *sighs and smiles* Okay Skarra. So I know you can travel a lot as a footballer, so I know you can always visit me in London.
Skarra: Yea baby. I'm even getting a new car and looking at houses when I get back.
Eunice: Oh really? That's good, well done.
Skarra: I take my compliments in another form of appreciation...
*Skarra leans in closer to Eunice and takes her hand. He smiles and pulls her gently towards him.*

Eunice: Skarra.... What are you doing?...
Skarra: I want a kiss. Please?

Eunice sighs and blushes but tries to hide it.

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