The beginning: Rookie Season Chapter 11

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<Skarra's Car>

Skarra: (Shit I can't believe I did that...)
Skarra calls Eunice until she picks up her phone

Finally she picks up

On the phone call;
Skarra: Baby? Hey!
Eunice: Hi darling my phone was charging. Is everything okay?
Skarra: I'm coming to see you.
Eunice: Here? To London?
Skarra: Yes, but there's something going on.
Eunice: What?
Skarra: This kind of reality tv show from a woman call Ms Altivo. Have you heard of her?
Eunice: Yes I have, she crazy *laughs*
Skarra chuckles and Eunice smiles boldly
Eunice: So what exactly will you be doing?
Skarra: When I see you I'll explain everything. I can't wait to hug you and-
Eunice: Babes stop you're doing something to me if you continue... if you get what I'm saying.
Skarra: *laughs* Yes I do. Okay I'll see you in two days...
Eunice: Okay *blows a kiss through the phone*
See you soon.
Skarra: Bye baby.
End of phone call

Skarra gets home and jumps straight into the shower. Afterwards, he sits on his bed, still dripping wet in his towel and goes on his phone. He texts back his friends and his new friends from Invincible United. He texts Eunice mini love poems and cute pics from the internet. He really really like Eunice, but still had trouble with confessing LOVE towards her.... He gets a text notification from Maya which says 'hi'. Skarra takes a deep breath and texts back. He explains that he didn't mean to offend her but it was going to far. Maya replied back that she understands but she's still upset. Skarra assumed it was the baby that's making her act that way. Skarra asked Maya when she will be okay to go to the doctor appointment. Maya said in two weeks since she has a work gig, though she was still thinking of how to keep up the lie....

Skarra gets up and starts packing a small suitcase for short trip to London.

Skarra: (I need to see my girl.)

<Altivo Studios >

Ms Altivo stands in front of a big 20 screens wall with a assistant Tom.

Ms Altivo: Just look at this Tom, it's going to be a good season.
Tom: Yes we are lucky the rookies agreed to be on the show.
Ms Altivo: Uh huh that and we got cameras literally everywhere! Drones and spy cams everywhere *laughs loudly*
Tom: Yes...

<Spenza's House>

Shakes and Cynthia are at Spenza's house trying to cheer him up over Fran. They brought most of his favourite takeaways. Spenza sits in his parklounger in a slump while Shakes and Cynthia sits on the couch next to him.

Shakes: Come on Buddy. Don't you like the food we brought?
Spenza: *picks up a cartoon and ice cream and eats a big spoonful* it's okay... UGH! Why did Fran leave me?!
Cynthia: Oh sweetie it will be okay.
Spenza: Will it?!
Shakes: Spenz calm down man.
Cynthia: Eunice told me that-
Spenza: What did she tell you?!
Cynthia: If you let me finish *laughs* She said that you haven't asked her out properly. That you guys were just vibing.
Spenza: Wow... Well I was thinking of asking her out but then she went on the ski trip without telling me.
Shakes: Well from what I heard, she also met a guy-
Spenza: NOOOOO!! *cries loudly*
Spenza collapsed to the floor on his knees
Cynthia: Aww this is sad to watch.
Shakes: *whispers to Cynthia* And hard to watch.
Cynthia: Look Spenza. *kneels down to him* You can either sit down here and feel sorry for yourself. Or you get up and go get Fran!
Shakes covers his mouth to stop laughing
Spenza: *sniffles* You think I can get her back.
Cynthia: Yea I don't think she's serious with the guy.... What do you think Shakes?
Shakes burst out laughing and faces the camera crew filming the whole situation.

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