■ Chapter One ■

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own DBZ nor any other verisons of DBZ. Only Akira does and I accept that even if I would love to have DBZ as my own.

Warning: Yaoi will be written in future chapters. You have been warned.


No Remorse

Goku pulled his knees to his chest and stared at nothing, he was dozing off in his thoughts once more. This was starting to become a normal habit of his, almost an instinct when he thought of her. Her, being his beloved wife, Chi-Chi. Tears dripped down the side of his face, landing on his knees, staining the clothing a dark color.

He clenched his teeth at the memories flooding his mind. These memories were something he was beginning to hate, wether they were great or bad. As Goku cried to himself, mourning over his dead fiancé, he took the chance to rethink all of his actions over the previous years.

'Why... Why couldn't I have been there when she was killed by that monster?! I could've done something!' He thought to himself, shaking his head at the image of Chi-Chi smiling. His heart fluttered a but, but not like it used to before. But, if Goku were to be completely honest about his love for Chi-Chi, he'd hesitate while giving an answer. Goku really wasn't sure about his love for Chi-Chi. All he knew was that he cared about her, but...did he actually love her? That was something he could never answer.

The whole story sounded rather...absurd if Goku had to think about it. Supposedly, Chi-Chi walked out in the open over to Fat Buu ź who actually turned out to be pretty skinny - and she did what she normally did to others. She yelled at him. The usual Goku gets after getting himself or Gohan into a bad situation.

Then, that was when all the tears came to an end. Goku shook and his fists were clenched tightly, his knuckles going white. They told him, and by they, it was his own son, Goten, and Vegeta's son, Trunks, who gave him the bad news in explicit detail. Detail wasn't needed. Her death was quick and easy, after all. it turned out she was turned into an egg after her little tantrum. As an egg, she was stepped on by Buu like a helpless any, but in this case, an egg. Just like that, his wife, and mother of two kids was dead. Goku was dumbfounded.

'She's actually dead...' He thought to his self, letting a few more tears cascade down his face, 'The worst part about this isn't her death, to be honest... It's that I feel no remorse whatsoever.'

Goku sighed, sniffling quietly. He ran his fingers through his spiky thick, black hair in an attempt to calm himself. He was slowly taking in the fake that he was losing it, little by little as days passed. Shutting his eyes, he punched the ground, leaving a small crater behind. 'It's been how many years now since she died? Three? Almost four now...' He asked himself. He hung his head low, 'I really miss her, I-I really do, but... I don't really want her back. I know I'd just end up hurting her like before.'

Goku being a Super Saiyan and all, never has or has the time to be wasting when he should be training in case another strong foe were to arrive. He's learned from past mistakes, and he's not stopping now. Training was all he would do, and sometimes even battling alongside Vegeta helped him.

Battling was going to be Goku's death. No, it was his death. He's died at least five times due to life or death battles. However, he's always been revived by the Dragon Balls his friends searched for. But for some odd reason, when his friends asked Goku if he wanted to revive Chi-Chi all those years ago.

He rejected them.

His excuse was that he'd be meeting her there soon, anyways. 'I can't believe I lied to them, to her. I don't want to due yet! I have ny kids to take care of and...and...people to think about, to protect.' He thought, running his hands through his oddly shaped hair with a sigh.

Goku stood up and walked out the door, staring up at the sky as soon as the wind hit him. The clouds were moving slowly, and Goku was slowly losing it. He needed something in his life. Something was missing, and it wasn't Chi-Chi. He really could care less about her. He had better things to think about in his life without the consistent nagging that she brought on him.

It was always 'Goku, don't do this!', 'Goku, that's dangerous!', or 'I won't allow you to brainwash our sons!'. Everything in life was a danger in her mind, but to Goku, it was the only thing he could call 'freedom' when it came to her. She was a tough girl.

"Man, I have no idea what to do..." He muttered to himself, sitting cross-legged on the ground. "Gohan is too busy with Videl, Goten is with Trunks...and..."

He leaned back and spread his body out, as if he were going to make a 'sand-man'.

"I'm here all alone."

Goku raised his hand in the air, grasping onto a wisp of fresh air. A sad smile made its way to his lips. He laid there in the sand with a fist in the air, a smile on his face, even as pain clawed at him from the inside. he was known for his stupidity, but also for his courage; his stubbornness.

Goku didn't plan on staying like this forever. No... He was going to find another mate soon. He needed someone by his side. It was only time seeing his Saiyan hormones would go crazy without certain, er, pleasures.

"I'm not going to let anything bring me down!" He shouted, grinning madly, "I'll find something, oh, umm, I mean someone to be with!"

Goku blinked and yanked at his hair after realization hit him in the face like brick.

"Aw, man! How am I supposed to find someone else!?"


This was just beginning of Goku's path to finding new love; a new mate. And my, was it about to get bumpy...

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