■ Chapter Five ■

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▪ 'Divorce' ▪

Vegeta continued to stare down Goku as he waited for the buffoon to open his mouth and tell him all about this thing called 'divorce'? That's what he called at least. It was such a foreign word to Vegeta that he couldn't help but glare at the man, thinking that this was some sick joke. However, the sincerity in Goku's voice told him otherwise. Vegeta took a deep breath and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Speak." He spat out with a sharp tone showing that he wasn't going to be playing along with Goku if he had something pulled up his sleeves. "Don't make me wait any longer than I already have, you fool."

Still being in his trance like state, due to Vegeta saying that he would actually consider listening to what Goku had to say, Goku gulped and nodded rapidly. He knew that what he said from this moment on would determine his future, Vegeta's future as well. He had to choose his words carefully and moreover, he needed to make sure he doesn't make himself like an idiot in front of the man he was crushing on. Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood, Goku let out a deep breath and looked Vegeta in the eyes. 

They stared at each other for a few moments until Goku finally decided to speak up.

"Vegeta... I know-- Well, I've heard what you've said about you and Bulma. Obviously things aren't working out for you two and you really want to end it, right?" Goku stated, raising an eyebrow at Vegeta, waiting for him to confirm all of this.

Vegeta frowned, "Y-Yes... All of that is true." He sputtered out, shifting nervously under Goku's strong and hard gaze.

He was really trying his best not to show any sign of fear, but it was difficult for Vegeta to do so. He had never seen Goku so determined in his life. Yes, Goku could be determined as hell when it came to fighting and protecting his friends and family...but this, this was different. Goku was overly determined to tell Vegeta about this whole 'divorce' concept. This was rare. Goku being determined over a small word? Something was up. 

Goku smiled and scratched the back of his neck nervously, "As I said earlier, I have your solution to that whole problem. Chi-Chi called it divorce. It's when you don't want to be with your partner anymore for any reason, I guess." Goku explained briefly. 

Vegeta furrowed his eyebrows together, not entirely understanding what Goku meant by that. 

"Are you saying that I can just leave her? With a snap of my fingers, per say?" Vegeta asked. 

Goku nodded, "Yeah, with the snap of your fingers."

Vegeta's let out a deep sigh. He felt so much better after hearing that. It was almost as if a gigantic weight was lifted off his shoulders... Which in this case you could compare Bulma to being a weight on his shoulders, literally. All she did was pester him over the smallest of things on a daily basis. She acted like a teacher scolding that one student constantly. Instead of being a teacher, she was Vegeta's wife and Vegeta was that student that was being pestered; he was her not-so-perfect husband. That being said because all she did was correct him. Then it hit Vegeta.

"What about Trunks? Does this 'divorce' me from him as well?" Vegeta spoke his thoughts, as the slightest hint of sadness seeped through his words. 

Goku tensed up. Chi-Chi never stated if this divorce concept would affect Trunks, but if Vegeta was going to leave Bulma as his wife; his partner, Goku could only assume that it would mean that Vegeta is cutting ties with his son, too. God, he never went as far as to ask Chi-Chi what would happen if someone had a kid. Goku never thought he was going to use this knowledge of the concept prior to this incident.

'Ah...-- I... What am I going to tell him? I honestly have no idea what to say, but if I don't day anything he'll think I'm lying to him about this divorce thing when I'm not! Gah! Think Goku! Think!' Goku told himself, small beads of sweat dripping down the side of his face. His fingers twitched as he slowly balled his fist together tightly. This was turning on him. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Since when did Vegeta care about Trunks?

Goku wasn't trying to make himself sound rude in any way, but it was a serious question. Before, Vegeta would always neglect the kid and call him names. Hell, he barely talked to Trunks unless they did their rare training session. Goku sighed and gazed at Vegeta softly. His heart was beating rapidly as he awaited for his answer. Now, all that was left was for Vegeta to make up his mind.

Vegeta grunted and frowned deeply as he took in what Goku was telling him. This whole 'divorce' concept was new to him seeing as it was a term humans seemed to used. He couldn't help but think about his two choices here.

He could leave Bulma with the chance of losing his own son.

Or he could suck it up and stay with Bulma, suffering for the rest of his life as she sticks her nose in everything.

If he left her and asked a 50/50 chance of Trunks choosing to stay with Bulma. It's not like Vegeta cared anyways. He couldn't say he didn't care for the kid, though. Even if he was annoying at times he loved the boy. He just... He didn't know what to do anymore. This was all a big mess. He didn't want to leave his son behind. He was the only real thing he had left connected to his Saiyan race; his Saiyan blood. Without him he'd have to deal with being alone...

Vegeta clicked his tongue and glared up at the sky. He continued to stare at the sky as if the answer was there, somewhere hidden in the clouds.

Then, there was the second option. Sucking it up and suffering for the rest of his life, hearing Bulma constantly nag over everything. There was no way in hell that he was going t do that. Even if it raised the chances of him not being able to stay by Trunks' side.

Vegeta sighed and cast his eyes downwards towards Goku. Vegeta's eye met Goku's. Goku was staring back at Vegeta rather intently. He was waiting for an answer.

Goku smiled at him and held his hand out, "Have you made up your mind?" He asked softly.

Vegeta furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at Goku's hand and back to his face; his eyes.

"Yes, yes I have."


Sorry for super late upload. Chapter kept losing my progress even though I save it constantly. Hope you all enjoyed.

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