■ Chapter Four ■

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own DBZ or any other versions. Akira does, I don't sadly.

Warning: soft yaoi will be written in future chapters. You have been warned.



▪ Hope ▪

Goku gulped slightly at the sudden ki blast that went flying towards him, luckily he dodged it just in time before it could hit him. Vegeta was angrier than Goku has even seen before, it was like Vegeta had finally reached his limit with Bulma. He was at his breaking point at last.

This is exactly what Goku needed in order to convince Vegeta to divorce with Bulma. Upon doing so, Goku could only hope that he'd have a chance with Vegeta himself. Even if it was for a few days or week at most.

That's all he needed.

"That pathetic woman thinks she can keep telling me what to do as if I were some animal?! I'll show her what a animal acts like!" Vegeta screamed, glowing a bright yellow, his hair flaring up even higher than before.

Goku gasped and ducked down behind a box in fear. Vegeta could get really scary once in Super Saiyan mode, honestly, he was already pretty frightening when he was his usual self. Goku bit his lip and looked side to side, pondering on what to do. He was contemplating on whether to jump out and announce that he was here and had something rather important to tell Vegeta, or if he should sneak around for a bit longer and watch what was going to happen. 'Hmm, what am I supposed to do?!' Goku thought to himself, practically yanking at his hair at this point. 

He let out a deep breath and opened his eyes wide, staring over at Vegeta who was still rampaging around the small market place. 'I'm going in,' Goku decided. 

Goku stood up and cupped his hands around his mouth, "Hey, Vegeta!" He shouted, catching the angry Saiyan's attention.

Vegeta turned around slowly and eyes Goku in disgust. He glared at him with all his might and raised his hand at Goku, readying an attack. 

"What do you want, Kakarot?" He snarled out.

Goku gulped and chuckled nervously, "I just wanted to talk to you real quick. I have something important to tell you." He stated, sweating bullets as he awaited for an answer from Vegeta.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes at Goku and eyed him up and down, looking for any signs that he was lying. However, Vegeta didn't see anything off about him and that shocked him a bit. Was Goku actually going to talk to him about something important? Or was it going to be one of his foolish ideas yet again? Vegeta sighed and dropped his hand down to his side.

"Speak quickly." He ordered Goku.

Goku grinned madly at the fact that Vegeta actually acknowledged him. He clenched his fists together and held in the urge to scream in joy. "Okay, I know a way for you to get away from Bulma!" He shouted, hope in his voice.

Vegeta ears perked up at this, his eyes wandering all over Goku. 'Was this some sick joke?' He wondered, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. 'Since when did Kakarot want to help get Bulma away from me?' He grunted.

"Don't we all know a way to get that pesky woman away from me? Kakarot, I don't have time for you right now. Go back to Bulma and the others will you." Vegeta hissed, brushing away whatever Goku had to say to him. 

At the moment, nothing was so important that he needed to end his destruction. He could really give two damns about this important matter Goku supposedly wanted to talk about. There was simply no way he could ever see Goku saying something intellectual, or something that even mattered for the fact. Goku was an idiot and that was final.

Goku frowned and cocked his head to the side, anger slowly rushing through his veins. How could Vegeta not believe him? Doesn't he see that this was his only chance to break away from Bulma?! Goku grunted and crossed his arms defiantly, not planning on giving up anytime soon. He was going to make Vegeta listen to him no matter what it costed. After all, all Goku could do was hope that Vegeta would make this easier for the both of them. 

"Vegeta! Listen to me. I know that you and Bulma aren't doing so well. You guys are constantly fighting over the smallest of things, and from what I've seen... You've had enough of her already. You want her out of your life for good." Goku stated, trying his best to persuade the Prince of all Saiyans; the man Goku had growing feelings for.

Vegeta rose an eyebrow at this. 'Is that buffoon Kakarot being serious right now? How could he possibly have a way for me to get away from that pesky woman? There's no way he could have found out a way to get away from her quicker than I could have. This idiot! If he's playing some sort of trick---!' Vegeta mused in his mind. 

"Chi-Chi told me about it... The way you could get away from Bulma. Sure I wasn't the one to come up with the idea, but Chi-Chi was a smart woman! She knew what she was talking about and you know it. Can't you just listen to me for once...? Please?" Goku pleaded. 

Goku hung his head and awaited for Vegeta to answer. The hope inside him was slowly dying away at every second that passed and he received no answer. This was a nerve-wrecking moment for the both of them, mainly Goku, however. 

Glaring over at Goku, Vegeta crossed his arms and powered down. As he returned to his normal form, the one in which he didn't glow like a star in the night sky, Vegeta sighed and cocked his head to the side. He opened his mouth and spoke.

"Go on then. Speak, Kakarot. Use this time I have given you wisely, don't waste it with some of your idiotic nonsense. I will not hesitate to kill you."

Goku's eyes flew wide open at the answer he was waiting for. He had received a yes from Vegeta. A yes. 

"Yeah! Don't worry Vegeta, I won't waste your time!"

Goku smiled, all hope that was slipping away was now regained. He knew he could do it, he knew he could get Vegeta to love him. This was just that chance he needed to make that wish of his a reality.

"Instead, I'll make you wish you came to me earlier."

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