■ Chapter Three ■

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own DBZ or any other versions. Akira does, I don't sadly.

Warning: Yaoi will be written in future chapters. You have been warned.



▪ Overwhelming Temptations ▪

Vegeta stomped his way out into the streets, his anger taking complete control over his actions. He swore and said things he's never said before with friends or in public. Now, when you usually see a pissed off Saiyan storming the streets, you'd normally run and avoid any sort of contact with them. Which most people were doing... However, a certain Saiyan wasn't that...bright.

As Goku was out and about in the street, eyeing all the stands that were out for the Farmer's Market celebration of sorts. His eyes were filled with love as he spotted the feast of his dreams, more like any Saiyans dream. The table was lined with extraordinary meals that were out of this world! In the middle sat a gigantic turkey with dark gravy smeared on the top, vegetables surrounding it, and delicious smelling stuffing. On both sides of the table, there was others side dishes such as corn on the cob, perfectly cooked bread, wines of rich taste. And the holy goodness; Steak.

Goku's mouth watered at the sight of the steak which might I add was the size of two books. Pretty big for a steak. 'Man, that looks delicious...' He thought, his mouth already watering at its aroma that filled the air. 'I wonder if I can eat it.' Goku glared at the steak, making sure his eyes didn't lose sight of it.

Screams suddenly filled the air. Birds squawked and flew away, moving away from the ruckus. Goku gasped and his gaze flew to the air. He rose an eyebrow.

"What in the world is going on?" He asked, looking around frantically. "Hey! What's happening!?"

A man looked at Goku with wide, fear filled eyes. "There's a guy going crazy by the rivers edge! He's g-glowing yellow a-and...and--!" Before the man could finish what he had started, he screamed and ran off without another word, leaving the spiky haired Saiyan in confusion.

"Glowing yellow?" He muttered, scratching his cheek. "Who glows yellow?"

With that being said, Goku made his way over to the river's edge just as the man had told him this 'glowing man' had been seen. Goku walked around with his hand cupped around his mouth.

"Hello! Glowing man! Can we talk?!" He shouted out, looking side to side for an answer. Nothing.

Goku sighed and started walking again in search for the glowing man, 'Where am I going to find a glowing man?' He mused. Goku flew into the air and scanned everything below him.

"Hm, I don't know... I don't see any glowing man down there..." He stated, placing his hands on his hips.

"How in the world can that woman act so idiotic all the time?!"

Goku heard the yelling and he looked over to his right. There he spotted a faint yellow glow. He grinned.

"There we go!" He exclaimed, making his way over to the glowing man.

Goku stepped onto the ground. He quickly stepped behind a pile of boxes filled with fruits.

"To hell with her! I do not need a pathetic woman like her in my life! All she does is pester me over the simplest of things!"

Goku frowned, 'That voice...it sounds familiar.' He noted, 'Maybe I'll take a small peek, that's all.' Goku looked over the boxes and his eyes widened in realization to who this glowing man was.

"Vegeta?" He whispered.

Vegeta, the so called glowing man, send a Ki blast to a nearby stand filled with goods. The stand blew into pieces on impact. It stood no chance against the berserk Saiyan. Goku sweat dropped. 'Why's Vegeta so mad? I wonder if Bulma did something to make him angry again...'

Bulma and Vegeta's arguments wetness new to Goku at all. Honestly, it wasn't to anyone. The couple never got along nowadays. Sure, when they were newly wedded everything was going pretty smoothly. But now as days pass, it's like their reasons for arguments double. Everyday they have an argument of some sort. May it be over Vegeta's cocky attitude, or Bulma's whining. There's always some small reason to argue. Even Trunks knew this.

Goku frowned sadly as he watched the man he held secret feelings for. Feelings in which he couldn't help but have. As Vegeta screamed profanities, one thing caught Goku's ears.

"If only there was a way I could leave that wretched woman's side!" Vegeta screamed, shooting another Ki blast.

Goku's heart quickened pace. His stomach fluttered. He was hoping that he heard Vegeta correctly. 'Did he really want to leave her?' It was something Goku couldn't stop asking himself. This was a chance, a chance of a lifetime. Goku could take this chance to make Vegeta his.

"I-I can't believe it..." Goku muttered out, a wide smile on his face as tears pricked his eyes. "I have a chance. I actually have one."

When Chi-Chi was still here on Earth, she had explained to Goku about the concept of Marriage and something called divorce. This thing called divorce was his key, the way to Vegeta's heart.

"Hey, Goku... Since you know what marriage really is now, do you want me to explain the thing that happens when a couple isn't happy with marriage?" Chi-Chi asked her fiancé, trying to word it simply for him.

Goku nodded eagerly with a grin on his face, "Of course I do, Chi-Chi! Go on, tell me!" He shouted.

Chi-Chi smiled and kissed Goku's cheek, "Okay. So Goku, as you know, marriage is when a man and a woman are formally recognized as partners in a relationship, by the church..." Chi-Chi explained, watching Goku for any signs that showed he was lost or confused.

Goku nodded after processing all his wife said. "Uh-huh, go on." He said.

Chi-Chi smiled, a small giggle slipping past her lips, "I will, slow down, Goku. I've never seen you this excited to learn something before..." Chi-Chi laughed.

Goku blushed and scratched his cheek, "Hehe, I guess you're right, Chi-Chi." He said.

Chi-Chi shook her head as she marveled over this rare moment. She has never, ever in her life seen Goku act like this - of course if you exclude the love for fighting he has. She leaned back in her seat and stared out the night sky.

"Besides marriage, there's something you can do if you don't really feel like sticking to your duty as a husband or wife." She explained.

Goku frowned, "What do you mean?" He asked.

Chi-Chi smiled sadly, "In marriage, you make a promise really. Let's just say that. Now that promise is something that shouldn't be broken, it's something that should be withheld; cherished. But there's times where those promises are broken... It's called a divorce. In other words, it's your ticket away from your partner, the one you're married to." She explained in different terms.

Goku blinked. He was slowly beginning to understand her words, and right away, he had a thought. 'Could I get a divorce with Chi-Chi then?' However, he brushed that away and smiled at his wife.

"Wow, that's interesting Chi-Chi. Thanks for telling me about this." He said, pulling his wife in for a hug.

Chi-Chi smiled and hugged Goku back, "Goku... Promise me, promise me that you'll always love me..." She said.

Goku kept silent and merely nodded his head. Sadly, he couldn't say it in words. For if he did, the truth would spill out.

"I'm sorry, Chi-Chi, but I love Vegeta."

Goku grinned as determination flew through him. 'That's it! I'll just tell Vegeta about divorce!' He mused.

Then...then I'll have a chance with him.

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