Alcoholic hermit

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"hey Grian? You got anything stronger?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. why?"he answered looking at the ceiling.

Why is there cigarettes on the counter ?

"Me not want be sober."

"Okay that's a you problem."


" It's off-sever."

"Then let's go on a trip!" I said sanding up.

"Alright then."

G notified X of our departure. And X thanked him.

We left to go to Grian's main world home.

On the way there we meet up with Doc.

But he looked different, like no robot parts and has a crown and has a shirt on.

We got to his place before Grian's.  Cosy.

We bid bye and went to Grian's house.

"Wow". So big and beautiful. Is that a pool?

We went through the building to the back of it and Grian brought beer, whisky, vodka and cigarettes.

"Uh why cigarettes? " I asked him.

" I smoke. So what? Here your beer."

"Stronger kind than before?"

"No I'll bring it only after this round "

"Alright then mate."

We drank and he did brought it and drank that one. .  .    .

What happened afterwards?

Oh yeah. Grian got high. And i got wasted.


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