Yellow Belt-Honey Comes Home

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It was a dark and rainy day at the bridge in London.  The perfect weather this dark mood.  I leaned against the slippery railing while holding the note that brought me here in my hand.  "Come meet me at the bridge at exactly 8:30.  You know the one," it said in runny black ink.  I slipped it back into my trench coat pocket and wrapped the coat around myself to keep out the chill.  I had no idea who invited to this place so late, or why, but my curious mind couldn't ignore it.

It was both a blessing and a curse.  I looked to the side of me and saw a cloaked figure illuminated by the dim street lamps.  "Is it you?" I called out to them while walking over to the figure.  "You're one smart cookie professor," the figure commented while grinning under their hood, showing their pearly white teeth.  "Why did you bring me here?" I asked while standing up straight and looking down at them.

Mostly in intimidation.  "Why do you ask?  Aren't you happy to see me?" the figure asked while pulling back their hood, revealing a stunning young woman.  That seemed vaguely familiar.  "Are you saying that because you're pretty?" I asked while peering at her and adjusting my glasses.  The woman's eyes widened and then she pretended to look hurt.  "How could you not remember your own wife?" she said while smiling.

I gasped at this and stumbled backwards, hitting my back on the railing.  "I-I have no wife," I stuttered while regaining my cool and adjusting my glasses.  "Yes you do silly," she said while walking up to me and getting in my face.  "T-Then why do I not have a wedding ring?" I asked while holding up left hand to her and smirking.  How was she going to answer this question.  "Cause you threw it away silly," she said while taking a gold ring out her pocket and slipping it onto my finger.

It fit perfectly.  I took it off my finger and looked inside of it and saw my initials.  S.K.  "See?" she said while holding out one of her hands to show a matching ring.  I suddenly realized what was happening and my eyes welled up with tears.  "Margaret?" I said while looking down at her and sniffling.  "Yes you big lug," she said while reaching up and wiping my tears.  "But I thought you died in the war," I squeaked, my emotions getting the better of me.

Margaret laughed at this and waved her hand.  "Like I would let myself die in a war," she said while smiling that same cheeky smile she always did.  "You look so different though," I said while looking down at her.  Probably why I didn't recognize her.  She just smirked at that.  "But I bet I still kiss the same," she said while pulling me into a kiss.  The rain poured seemed to disappear as we kissed.

                                                     And our love seemed to have come back.


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