Suffering for Success

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Stage lights blinded me as they pointed themselves directly at me.  The sounds of hushed whispering of the audience filled my airs, picking up every word they said.  I stood on a large stage in an even larger theater, getting ready to start recital.

I had been practicing for months, even to the point where my feet bled, but it was all going to be worth it.  If I kept my grace and balance, I would be able to dance my way into a prestigious arts college, and eventually into starlight.

Only if I didn't mess up though.  Only if I was perfect.  I took a deep breath in and exhaled while holding out my arms, bracing myself to start.  Everyone in the audience grew silent as I did so, getting ready for my performance as well.

I started tiptoeing across the stage, not breaking eye contact with the audience, making my way to the center of the stage.  The sequins and ruffles on my costume made me itchy and hot, and my bun was pulled back too far, hurting my scalp.

Probably shouldn't have tried to do my own bun or pick out my own outfit, but I just wanted to impress the talent scouts in the audience.  Let them know that I could prepare and execute a perfect recital.

One worthy enough to let me into their school.  As I started my recital, I spotted one of the talent scouts in the audience, holding a clipboard and watching me closely.  This made me a bit nervous, and I ended up fumbling a few of my moves.

I pressed on though, and kept leaping and spinning on the stage gracefully as my costume shimmered and dazzled in the spotlight.  Some of the members of the audience oohed and ahhed in whimsy and I could feel all 200 eyes on me.

Like hundreds of laser pointers pointed onto me, making me a direct target.  I still kept my form and grace though, and tried not to put all of my hours of training and skipping school to waste.  Even pushing through my fatigue and exhaustion that had built up from when I practiced right before the show. 

Which made me regret doing the whole routine before the show, and not just stretching.  It proved to be worth it though, because of how wild the crowd was after the show.  How they whooped and cheered while clapping loudly as I curtsied and waved.

Even some roses got thrown onto the stage, which I was going to come back for after everyone had left.  Right now, I just wanted to collapse in my dressing room and relax.  My feet ached, my skin was irritated, and my muscles were screaming in agony.

I saw I was going to have no relaxation though, as the evaluated got up from her seat and was going backstage.  Possibly to invite me to one of my dream schools?  Reject me from one of my dream schools and make me wallow in shame and despair?

Either way, when she came into my dressing room, my heart leapt up into my mouth and my palms started to sweat.  I even jerked up in my seat, despite my fatigue and aching.  "Oh, hello there," I said nervously while gulping and fiddling with my fingers.

"I hope you enjoyed the show tonight.  I practiced really hard to make it a success."  "To which it was," the woman replied while taking her glasses off and tucking her clipboard under her arm.  "So much that I think you should join the prestigious dance school I'm here to represent."

A school?  Just dance?  That's what I got into?!  Oh, I felt like I could just leap into the air with joy!  But couldn't, because of how tired I was.  In fact, I was too exhausted to enjoy my achievement fully.

 Even when the woman started telling me all the wondrous things about the school I was invited to, I just closed my eyes and started drifting off to the sound of her voice.  Which made me realize, I had worked so hard for my recital, that I was too tired to enjoy my success.

Don't be like this ballerina.  Accept help from others, don't overwork yourself, and be confident in your abilities.  Or else you might be too exhausted to enjoy your success.

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