Run Ragged Like Cheap Shoes

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Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a beautiful princess named Cinderella, who was married to the rich and handsome Prince Charming.  And Cinderella was a good princess, who always treated her subjects with the kindness and fairness, that she would have wanted for herself.

Which is why when she visited the city and saw how poorly made and expensive everyone's shoes were, she decided to do something about it.  Like make her own affordable and well-made slipper business, where everyone and anyone could get good shoes at low costs.

When Cinderella got this idea, she told her husband about it, and he said that he could provide enough funds and workers to make her dream come true.  Cinderella told him to wait though, since she hadn't even gotten the groundwork on her idea set.

Prince Charming obliged to this, since it seemed like a reasonable idea at the time, and let his wife set everything up before he gave her the support.  So the next day, Cinderella got working on her idea, creating the first few models of slipper to send out onto the market.

When Prince Charming saw her making the slippers, he offered to hire some tailors to help her out, but she refused and just kept sketching out the slippers and sewing them together.  And when she got onto choosing the location for the shop, Prince Charming offered to hire some realtors to seek out the location, but she politely refused and said that she could find the location herself.

And when Cinderella found the location of the shop and began stocking and decorating, Prince Charming offered some interior designs and workers to help her set up everything, but Cinderella refused once more, and set up the entire shop herself.

Making her so tired and exhausted from her days full of work that she had to stay in bed the day of opening, making her miss the ceremony.  Which made Cinderella disappointed, even though she could visit the store whenever she wanted.

Prince Charming consoled her when she was upset about this though, and didn't say a word to point out her mistakes or offer her snooty advice when it was already far too late.  But secretely he knew, that if she had taken his help, she could have been at the opening ceremony.

Which is why you should always accept help from others, and not try to do everything yourself.  Or you might be too tired to enjoy the results.-Storyteller603

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