May It Be Their Will

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Fate should let us meet
At a raging concert, club, where everything's neat
In a place in L.A. or Italy
Then, I could know if we're meant to be

Karma should give me a treat
For my belief in it, so concrete
Let me see you on the street
It'd be pretty sweet
Then, I could know if you'd make me feel complete

The universe should let something go my way
For all the times it's made me its prey
Let me meet you one day
I'd make sure it'd go okay
Then, I could see if you would ever call me baby

May the Father let us cross paths
I've always apologized for the times I've given him holy wrath
Let us become close in the future, even if the math doesn't math
I'd make sure never to give you wrath
Then, I would ensure if my admiration and love did the math

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