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For this lifetime and every other, I'm yours to love, yours to hurt, yours to wound, yours to cure. In this world or some other, in this galaxy or some other, in this realm or some other...My heart is yours and yours only. I'd allow you to break it a thousand times over to make you happy, for it's not mine anymore. Have me, my love, and I'll break down any and every solid monument which stands strong, drown every ocean and burn every mortal or immortal alike, if they dare hurt you. Have me and I'll make fear cower and death die, have time hope against hope and make every soul suffer for an eternity to keep you safe. All those who try and wound our relationship will cry forever. I'll make sure any and every good thing from their pathetic lives are snatched away from them. Have me and let me have you, and my soul will burn in the hells to see you again. Have me and my heart will adore you beyond the feeble concept of mortality, my soul will intertwine with yours beyond the restrictions of the immortals and our love, my darling, will forever find a way.

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