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The sun shines when it glances at your orbs. I smile when your eyes catch my gaze. My mind swirls when my fingertips even graze your skin. My soul stutters when I hear the joy in your voice. My anger burns when harm even looks our way. My lips curl when the flowers dangle in your hair. My touch feels satisfactory when I know it makes you feel content. My embrace feels warm only when you are the one engulfed in my arms. My hairs flow only because you tend to them. I laugh only when I make you smile.

Mortals or immortals would vanish if you'd want them to, but not because they'll feel what you feel for me. That, my darling, only I get to experience. Just the thought of making you proud is what drives me to achieve things. Greed would only humble itself because it would see my hunger for you, for your obsession is mine to touch, mine to feel, mine to live. Lust would lust after my desire for you, envy would burn seeing my heart crack listening to you talk fondly of someone not me. Gluttony would feel my hunger just by a glance at us. Wrath would cower seeing flames light my eyes if someone harms you. Sloths would slow down even more to have a look at me loving my life. Love would feel incomplete, incompetent, unsatisfactory, empty after gracing our bond.
Love, hold me for as long as you'll want, for I won't stop wanting to sleep in your arms for eternity. Love me until time comes to an end, for I would never stop lusting after your love. Kill for me and let me kill for you for as long as possible, for I'd never want to stop punishing those who hurt us, who hurt you. Throw me away, my love, if my mind ever breaks down, if my heart forgets its purpose, if my soul forgets the name imprinted on it. I cannot ask you to kill me, so throw me away before I can even think of harming you. My life starts from you, remains with you, and will end with you, because there's no after you, because I can never have you suffer alone. Let me call you mine, and I'll abandon life, defeat death and kill to abide by your wishes. Smile at me and I'll destroy the very roots of distance to run towards you. Hold me in your arms for once, and I'll make sure time ceases so I can bask in your warmth forever. Keep me close and I'll abandon this body to mingle with your soul, just for the sake of getting closer. Let me love you, and I'll have selfishness realise how selfless it is compared to my greed for you. Only and only you can ever have my love, my precious, for not even the gods or the demons, the lavishness or the grievances, the hell or the heaven, let alone this earth are deserving of us. Only you are allowed to hold, hurt, burn my soul and no one else. I will kill life and bring death to life to have you. So have me, my beautiful, and together we will make sure that only we destroy each other and no one else. Have me and let me have you, love me and let me love you, and I'll burn down willingly before this body even comes in contact of some ill force, so that only you get to have my ashes etched in your body, your mind, your heart, your soul.

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