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Every hardship thrown our way seems nothing infront of the thought of us together. I'll go through every difficulty, walk through hell, let the evil rip my heart out and the gods burn my soul if it will keep you safe. I will make sure tears cry, smiles wither, death die, time cease and hope lose, if that's what you ask of me. This bond of ours, carved with knifes, washed in blood, bathed in tears and tied together by blue still outshines any other relationship to ever exist. This bond of ours, despite the ugly process of its creation, still looks gorgeous and teaches love. All because you, my heart, you are love. If only love could see you and learn what real adoration looks like, it would bow to you. Love bows to no one, but for you my darling, I'll have it crouch to your feet and hail you.
My queen, you deserve every world you desire, for there's no greater purpose for me than fulfilling your wishes. You are so beautiful that even the angels will stop their choirs to bask in your silence, I'll make sure of it. I will bring down every realm, bustling or ruined, if someone ever takes you from me. Let me love you and I'll treat you like the queen you are, worship you like the god none can deny you are. I will take every wound if it will make sure your smile persists. Have me, and I will keep my life on line to see only happiness live in you. Try as it might, not even death will be able to separate us. I would die for you without a second thought, but have me my love, and I will live for you.

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