Bakugo x Reader smut

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Night time was always Y/N's favorite time of day. Once everyone was in bed and she was tucked away carefully in her own space in her comedy bed after a long day of school. But that's not the exciting part for her, her favorite part of the night was face timing her boyfriend Katsuki Bakugo who lived 4 houses down the block. He went to the hero high school UA, while she went to the regular school in the city. Most nights because of school they can't have their little sleepovers they love so much. So instead they call each other and usually end up falling asleep on the phone.

Tonight she called him and he answered right away. Already in bed like he normally was. "Hey baby!" She squeals happily as she jumps onto her soft mattress and quickly scrambles under the covers. "Hey babe, how was school?" He grumbles a bit as he adjust himself to see sit up. "It's was good! How about you honey?" She asks him sweetly. He felt a familiar shiver go up just from the sound of her voice. Bakugo's is notoriously not romantic. He's aware that even his closest friends think it's weird he has a girlfriend, he knows how lucky he is to have Y/N around him and love him so much. He's absolutely obsessed with everything about her. Her voice, her hair, her eyes, her interest. Anything she says she likes he goes out and learns everything about said topic to be able to hear her talk about it.

He looks down at his phone and sees her smiling face as she waits for him to answer her questions. A pulsing being shot through his veins straight to his dick. He mentally groaned a bit as he tried to adjust himself to be more comfortable, accidentally palming himself in the process. "It was fucking boring. Had tests today." He grumbles annoyed. "Aww baby. I wish I could go over there and scratch your little head." She whimpers, not exactly helping Bakugo's situation. He loves when he lays his head in her lap and she scratches his head. Especially when she get her nails done and they're all nice and scratchy, he loves it. The mental picture makes him groan a bit.

"Tch.." he clears his throat as he pulls his dick out of his pants. "Tell me about your day baby.. what'd you do?" He asks her, gently stroking his dick. This isn't the first he'd something like this. She often got herself off too while they were on face time. They've talked about it previously and they're both comfortable with it. "Oh well my day was good! You know I had a test today too but it wasn't that bad since I studied for it a lot last might remember? I made you quiz me?" She asks and he hums. Dropping his phone to his chest and letting out a soft hum. "Mhm I remember." He mumbles as he strokes himself. "Well my teacher also announced that we're doing a project this week. Something about war or whatever, I teamed up with my best friend so we could have some fun while working." She speaks to him, he retains each word she spoke and responded every few words with a hum and nod letting her know he was listening.

She kept talking about her day. One thing about Bakugo's girlfriend was that she could talk, and he Fucking loved it. Every word from her mouth was like soft velvet in his ears. Her happy inflection and little giggles as she retold stories in vivid details to him. "And then once I got home my mom and me went to the store to make dinner." She yawns a bit feeling a little sleepy. "Sorry baby I've been talking this whole time!" She giggles to herself, knowing she could be long winded. He grunted a bit and stroked faster. "Just go ahead and keep talking babe.." he mutters through quick puffs of air. She blushes a bit when he said that. Quickly realizing what's happening she feels a small pulse in her pussy.

"Katsuki? Are you touching yourself?" She asks bitting her bottom lip. "Fuck~ yes say my name again." He mutters looking down to see her face. She couldn't see him. Only the small bits of the top of his hair and his bed frame that was lit up from his phone light. She lets out a soft giggle, moving to lay on her back and with the phone in her hand she stares at him. "Katsuki, you should've told me baby." She whispers through a soft giggle. She runs a hand down her body and into her pants. "I wouldn't have babbled on about my day if I knew~" she whimpers gently running two fingers over her clit. Feeling the wetness already collecting in her panties. "You're voice is plenty Y/N you know that.. I could listen to your speak all damn day." He grunts feeling close.

"I'm close." He warns her and she lets out a soft moan, inserting her fingers into herself she pumps in and out slowly. "Oh yeah baby? You're gonna cum just from the sound of me voice?" She asks him with a small smirk. He hums closing his eyes and bitting on his cheek. "Oh come on Kastuki~" she pauses as she lets out a small loan when she grazes her own g-spot. "Fuck baby I want you to cum so bad.." she moans to him. She knows what he wants and so she delivers, letting our moans and cries for his name. She wasn't faking either, the thought of him touching himself to her voice got her so hot and bothered. Now touching herself felt just as good. "Oh god baby~" she arches her back. He looks at the phone and sees her rosey cheeks and perfect lips parted to allow her soft moans leaving her lips.

"Fuck" he grunts, his abs tensing as he cums into his hand. He grunts her name and she looks at the phone. "Katsuki I wanna cum.." she whines rolling his hips into her fingers. "What do you need y/n?" He asks her quietly as he grabbed tissues to clean himself up. She whines rolling onto her side and trying to pump her fingers faster. "I need you~" she whispers to him. He listened to her desperate whimpers and moans as she tried so hard to get herself off. "Keep going Y/N.." he says standing up. Quickly cleaning himself up and then sneaking out of his window. She barley noticed anything as she closed her eyes and tried to make herself cum.

A few minutes later he was climbed up to her room window and knocking gently. She gasps looking up at her window and seeing her boyfriend realizing he was outside on face time. She quickly jumped up and ran to the window, opening it and helping pull him into her room. She doesn't hesitate to kiss him once he's in her room. She jumps up allowing him to hold her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carries her to the bed and lays her on her back. "You want this?" He asks and she nods. "Please baby.." she whimpers. He slides his hand into her pants and starts fucking his fingers into her tight pussy. She lets out a soft moan but starts sucking and biting his neck.

Leaving a good few hickeys on his neck to makes sure all girls knew he was taken, he was hers and she was his simple as that. "Fuck!" Her back arches into his body and he curls his fingers. "You're so perfect like this Y/N" he whispers into her ear and she moans. "I love you..." she whines as she rolls her hips into his hand. "I love you too." He grumbles, fully confident she'd be the only women to ever hear such vulnerable words escape his lips. "I'm cumming" she moans and he slams his lips against hers to keep her quiet as she came on his fingers. She moaned into the kiss. Wrapping her arms around his neck and gripping his hair tight as his fingers played in her and worked her through her orgasm. She shudders when she was finished signaling for him to pull out. She collapsed against her bed and let her eyes flutter closed.

"You... didn't need to come over baby." She whispers as he lays next to her. "Course I did." He grumbles cuddling up on her, his face hiding in her neck. "I'm happy you did. You do that so well." She smirks gently moving her hands up into his hair and scratching at his scalp. He smirks against the soft skin of her neck and hugs her tighter. "I know I'm the best you don't have to keep reminding me." He says and she giggles at him...

"Katsuki!" Y/N calls out to her boyfriend as she waits outside the school. She told him she's be there to pick him up last night before he left her room to go back to his. "Still can't believe you have a girlfriend and she's that hot." Kaminari says making Bakugo punch him in the arm. "Don't fucking look at her you pervert Pikachu." Bakugo grunts at him. Y/N bounces over to him and jumps up wrapping her arms around him. "Schools good?" She asks him as he holds her up. "Fine. You?" He asks gently kissing her. "Yeah! I'll tell you all about it when we get home." She smirks a bit at him. "I could listen to you talk all damn day." He smirks at her as he grabs her hand and walks her home...

—— • —————
Hey sluts it's been a while. Sorry I've been inactive for like.... 8 months. Senior year has been kicking my ass. No promises this one will be updated a lot but I do have some ideas for this story. I'm not just Fucking around out here, I'm currently writing 3 different stories so hopefully I'll be finished soon and be able to give y'all the goods. Anywho, TTYLXOX

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