Bakugo X pregnant reader Pt.2 (fluff)

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Your about 7 months into your pregnancy and your baby bump is a bit large by now. You had to take a break off from work because of your pregnancy but luckily Bakugo owned his own agency so he clearly had no problem letting you rest. Your home watch you tv in your sweats and a loose t-shirt. You haven't exactly been feeling very sexy lately and and you have been very insecure about your body, bakugo notice this and he's been doing everything in the world to show you that he truly thinks you are the most beautiful, perfect girl in the world. He's taken you out to dinners, spoiled you with gifts everyday and is tending to your every want and need because he doesn't want you to stress yourself out with the baby on the way. You decided to make it up to him and surprise him when he gets home.

You put on your legging and a nice t-shirt, not your fanciest looks but its clean and nicer then what you had on, you run down the street and grab a bouquet of roses and his favorite beer. When you get home you make some food and lay out the rose petals leading into the living room with a movie pulled up on the tv. 'he should be home any minute! haha he wont be excepting this' you think to yourself. you make the plates of food and set them up on the coffee table in the living room. You hear his car door shut and you hear him walk up the stairs and unlock the apartment door, you run and stand in the entrance to the living room. "hey babe im hom-" he smells the food and yells from the doorway as he takes off his shoes "DID YOU COOK" he starts walking towards you "HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I DONT WANT YOU COOKIN-" he stops in his tracks when he sees what you did. "hey baby! I know lately you have been working hard at the agency you have been so great to me these last few months I just really wanted to surprise you! I know this isn't very "sexy" but I thought is was a good effort-MPHM" your cut off by his kiss as he lays his hands on your hips, he pulls away from your kiss leaving you blushing and places his forehead on yours "this is the best surprise ever Y/N. Thank you so much" he says with pure joy in his voice. "of course Katsuki, you then best man in the world I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me." you say smiling. You two spend the rest of the night watching a movie and cuddling until you fall asleep on the couch.

-time skip to 8 months into the pregnancy-

-Bakugo's POV-

Todays the day. Todays the day I propose to Y/N. Ive had been thinking of different ways to propose to Y/N for months and I finally found out how to do it.I want it to be as cheesy as possible He had the ring in his pocket and he told you to meet him at His agency for lunch. Once he got there he had everything set up, a cake, your favorite flowers, you F/C balloons filling the room and he set up your favorite song to play so when you came in it would be playing. I sent Kirishima to go pick up Y/N and bring here to the office. shes gonna be so surprised!


I sit in kiri's car as we drive to the agency and I sit in the car excited to see everyone. it had been a while since I had seen all my old work friends due to bakugo making me take off early cause of the baby, so this would be nice to see them! We pull up to the agency and Kirishima goes to go park. I walk in and are instantly greeted by all my old friends and co workers, they comment on my pregnancy glow and how gorgeous I look, this rush of compliments really made me feel confident especially cause how felt I huge! I made your way up the elevator to go see bakugo and eat lunch, as I walk in you hear your favorite song playing and I see bakugo on one knee. Tears prickle in my eyes as I look around and see my F/C color balloons and rose petals all over the room. "Y/N I love you so much, I love watch you as you grow our family, your so powerful, beautiful and independent, thank you for taking care of me and for letting me take care of you. I want our child to be as strong, confident and independent as you are. Y/N will you marry me" he says as he whips out a ring. "YES KATSUKI YES YES YES YES" You scream as you run over to him, he picks you up as if your weight less and spin you around kissing you. "Ahh im sorry baby I promised I would stop doing that" he says as he put you down, you know he not talking to you but your little baby bump. you roll your eyes a bit and grab his face and kiss him al over. Kirishima knocks on the door after hearing the squeals and giggles, "we all good?' he says smiling. "SHE SAID YES BRO" bakugo yells waving him in "THATS WHATS UP BRO" he comes in along with all your co workers and some other friends. "Y/N!" Uruaraka yells running at you a closing you into a tight hug "URURAKA DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" you say hugging her. "yup I've know for a month an I kept it a secret which was really hard believe me" She said giggling. You make your way around the party showing off your ring and talking with friends about your pregnancy. After the party ends you and bakugo make your way home and get ready for bed. "this has been the best day of my life" you say as you come up behind him giving him a huge hug. "I cant wait till I make you Mrs.Bakugo" he says Turing around and hugging you back. You two get into bed and cuddle for the rest of the night till you fall asleep.



Oof sorry about this one guys its not the best but still I think its kinda cute. Anyway im gonna be making a labor one next, and then im gonna do a short one where you guys find out what kind of quick your kid has. I really hope your guys enjoyed this one thanks for reading!

Word count: 1128

MHA/BNHA HEAD CANNONSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora