Diaries of the wicked

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England- 10th JUNE 1441

Over 100 women have been executed for they have been accused of  evil incantations. There is also a strange illness encircling.
My soul is pure I swear. I have never slept with or seen the devil. I have never defied the laws. Do not condemn what cannot be proven. For I, Elizabeth Parris am innocent.

England- 12th JUNE 1441

I am accused.
I have been undoubtedly ruined. The men of the town call me the whore. Supposedly I slept with a man, birthing a babe out of wedlock, whilst he was married and then ruined his crops because he would not look after his child. I have no child. I am a virgin.

England- 13th JUNE 1441

I shall uphold innocence. Although untrue. The innocents have died whereas I will live forever more. My curse shall reign upon who wronged me and others. The town will never recover from this dark lady.

Betty was brought into the town her eyes sunken with lack of sleep. She had been held in prison unable to see the light or even eat. Brought on the stage in shame she noticed a small newborn. She differed from the others. Her skin was darker, yet the women holding her looked deadly pale.

It was her. Betty was sure. This was the girl to continue her prophecy. To end the trials and live on forever more. So as the rope was tied securely round her neck and the crowd smiled with glee she let a smirk settle instead. She should've been screaming with fear but her eyes for-told a different story.

She swung slightly at the impact of death. Yet she wasn't truly dead. Her magic lived on. In a small, but mighty new witch.

A witch that would become magnificent. A witch that would curse the cruel and unforgiving.

The witch would live on, as the prophecy of Elizabeth Parris. Even if the girl died, it wouldn't take long for a new woman to be born. With the same face, the same powers, the same Elizabeth Parris lurking within.

The young witch had created a curse on one family in particular. Who's ancestor hurt the man she loved. Who's grandfather had hurt her to flee for another. Who's grandsons would follow her without even knowing. She had been hurt by this family in every one of her lives. She had placed a curse no one could undo. Every Salvatore shall die before their true time. Little did she know the grandsons would disrupt her spell in more ways then one.


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