Refuge and strength

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She looked at herself in the mirror seeing an old reflection. A reflection she thought had long passed. Her hair done up with curls twisting into a bun, half of it tumbling down in tight coils. She wore a light blue and pink dress, which was currently being tightened and tightened by Lola. The woman couldn't help but make light quips about Valentines reminiscing.

"I forgot how much I hated these dresses." Val said, leaning against the mirror frames.

"You forgot how great you look in them as well." Lola replied, tightening it once more.

She finally made it to the start of the parade, spotting Salvatore brothers and Elena. However when she did approach her eyes widened at Elena, she looked exactly like Katherine. Obviously. But this time it was uncanny and scary.

"I feel like this has happened before." Val quipped walking up-to the three, referencing when they first met. Both brothers looked at Val equally stunned like they had been with Elena.

Val looked over at Damon. "Why are you even here?" She asked him, he wasn't even wearing period clothes. He remained stoic as he answered her.

"Fun, nothings wrong, no one's bothering us, everyone who was has left. Fun." He explained, before smiling.

"Valentina!" She heard yelled from the other side of the field. A blonde girl adorned in yellow yelled her over. Caroline Forbes in all her smiling beauty somehow managed to find Val.

"Caroline." Val smiled, picking up her dress before walking across. She noticed Bonnie was taking a photo of Caroline and Matt. It also seemed she wasn't the only person approaching the three.

"Okay, now one with Bonnie and Valentina." Caroline said, grabbing Vals hand to pull her in. Bonnie passed the phone to Tyler as Matt walked off annoyed.

"I said I was sorry." Tyler said, looking down.

"You made out with his mother and then you beat him to a pulp." Caroline said. "You're gonna have to do a little better than sorry." This shocked Val of how outside she had been with her friends. She had no idea this happened.

"Come on, let's get to the float." Caroline said. Valentines already found Stefan on the float waiting for her.

"I seem to remember the other brother being my escort." She said, climbing onto the float.

"I'm still sorry for that, Val." Stefan said, holding her hand to hoist her up. The only reason Elena was in her ballgown and on the float was because she was filling in for a girl that couldn't make it.

"This is Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls." Carol announced as the float went through the town. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Val noticed Bonnie in the crowd and gave a small wave to which the girl smiled back. Until it was interrupted by Damon wiggling his fingers. Val rolled her eyes. "Ignore him." Stefan whispered.

"Oh, don't worry, I try." She said, turning towards a different part of the crowd to wave.

She was finally able to get out of that tight dress after hours and hours of standing and waving. She walked into the grill going to get a drink.

"I like you better like this." Val heard. Damon stood in front of her. "Period look, never really suited you."

"Funny, because I seem to remember you loving my period looks. Though it did end up on floor most times. Man's fault." She answered, thinking to herself. "Why are being so nice?" She added walking towards the bar.

"I'm simply giving you a compliment." He shrugged, following her.

"Shouldn't you be complimenting, Elena. I know Stefan's worried about your friendship, or are you lovers now?" She asked, sitting down and glancing over at him.

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