Chapter 2: Night Terrors

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You have not had a night terror in a long time after what happened. It used to be every day, then every week, you haven't got one in months but one night,

you started to scream in the middle of the night sweating and hyperventilating,

ghost scared out of his mind runs to the room because he fell asleep on the couch last night, to give you room because you were not feeling well.

He hears you scream so he quickly gets up and runs up to you and slowly goes to hold you, "Darling what's wrong" as he is frightened.

You can't get anything words to come out of your mouth, so he comes and tries his best to comfort you.

"Is this about what happened a few months ago?" he says.

You shake your head as tears roll down your face.

"Darling, he cannot hurt you anymore, you're safe and I will let nothing happen to you ever again."

Sometime rolls by and you slowly start to calm down as he holds you in his arms.

You keep repeating to him "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

but he always says, "It's ok my love, just know I will be here, and I will protect you with my life" and after a while you cried yourself to sleep in his arms.

Once you fall asleep, he slowly gets up not to wake you up. Still frightened and not knowing what to do he calls the only person who would know what to do.

"Ghost it is 4 in the morning this better be good." Price says.

"It's about y/n." Ghost says.

You can hear Price's voice slowly getting louder and more worried, and he jerks up out of bed.

"Ghost, what happened, are they ok?" Price says.

"Price, she is still having the dream about what happened, and I don't know what to do." Price gets up and gets the whole 141 task up and runs to your side.

You wake up to the whole 141 around you guarding you.

You jump and say, "Woah guys, what the hell."

"We want to make sure you're ok and we want to let you know you are safe with us. None of us will leave your side no matter" The team says to you.

"How did you know what happened"? You say.

"Ghost called me, and I call the team to make sure you're ok" Price says.

"Thank you, guys, I appreciate it."

Soap says, "You are family, we will protect you like our own, no matter what."

As they all hug you and make sure you fall back asleep ok.

For the rest of the night, ghost is always at arm's length away from you. 

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