Chapter 4: What is wrong with me?

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After getting matching tattoos you say bye to everyone or you think, until you see ghost and

he says "You not getting rid of me that easily, I'm not leaving your side for a while you are stuck with me."

You start to blush and say "Well since you're not leaving my side and you saved my life multiple times do you want to get dinner with me?

Ghost is surprised but is kind of excited you ask; he was going to ask also but you beat him to it.

Ghost calmly and quickly says "Yes I would love to."

He asked, "Where do you want to go or do you want to order takeout."

You say "Can we go to Mamas Bros. Steakhouse

Ghost says, "As long as you are comfy, and you like it I will be happy too."

Ghost says, "Do you want to go now or later."

Y/n says, "We can go later because I have to get changed but do you want to pick me up at 7:30?"

Ghost says, "I'll see you soon."

You chuckle and wave as he walks away.

Ghost didn't dress up nice, but you did and when he saw you in that dress/suit he knew he wanted you to be his.

Once we get there and we sit down and start to have some wine and you get whatever you please and he gets whatever you got also so you don't feel alone. You and he talk about work and funny things that have happened over the 2 years y'all have known each other. But never about your night terrors or your kidnapping, he knows it is a sensitive topic for you, so he never brings it up, after y'all eat you get dessert and then he takes you home.

You said, "Don't you want to come in and have a drink."

Ghost accepts but things do not go as they planned, yet he stays the night again he basically lives with you but not all his stuff is there. Y'all were just going to have a few drinks and he was going to go home but that didn't work out.

You thought you saw Lazo, but Ghost knows he is dead, but you haven't accepted it and you hide and start to have a panic attack,

He can't find you and is worried, but he looks around a little bit and finds you in the room in a ball and he tries to help you.

"Y/n- woah y/n are you ok?" Ghost says.

but you point a gun at him thinking it's him.

he says, "It's me, it's ghost look we have the matching rings, put down the gun y/n".

you realized and dropped the gun and fall to the floor in his arms,

"I'm sorry I'm sorry don't hate me, please," you say as you cry.

He just wants to make sure you're ok and he says "It's ok I would never hate you I love you with all my heart."

So, once you calm down, he runs a warm bath for you to relax with candles and once you get done, he lays right by your bedside watching You make sure you are ok and that nobody will hurt you, but you want him closer to your body, so y'all both cuddle until y'all fall asleep, in the morning y'all both wake up.

you remember what happened last night and you are still saying "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do please don't be mad"?

but he knows you were just scared, and he said, "Doll it's ok, I'm not mad I was just worried for you, but I was never mad at you, I still love you."

You said, "I love you too."

and y'all locked eyes and finally had your first kiss as he said, "I love you so much, I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"I feel the same way about you too Ghost" you say pulling him close.

. He finally brings all of his stuff and moves in with you even though most of his things are at your house anyway. You have never felt this happy in a long time.

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