Chapter 3: A cry for help

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This is a few weeks after the night scare, ghost is still sleeping on your couch because he doesn't want to leave you alone, even though you say you're ok he is not leaving your side.

He notices you are quieter than normal, so he checks on you. You have a razor to your stomach,

he quickly runs up to you and yells "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and smacks it out of your hand.

You are scared, shaking, and going to cry because you never heard him like that, he realizes you are scared and says, "I'm sorry Hun, I didn't mean to yell but what are you doing"?

You on the verge of tears realizes he doesn't know that he cut his name into your stomach, *you show him what he did to you* and you can tell his heart drops.

"He...He did this to you"? He says as his voice shakes, and you look down at the blood on you.

You say, "I. I cannot take it anymore ghost, I can't live like this please help me ghost."

 That broke his heart so he calls Price but before he does, he says "Let us see what we can see, what we can do to cover up because you do not deserve this Hun." he says.

Your voice starts to shake, and you break down into ghost's arms. After a while, you fall asleep in his arms, and he carries you to bed. Before he calls Price, he removes every sharp item in the house to make sure this doesn't happen again.

"What's up Ghost" Price says.

"It's y/n, his voice starts to shake, that bastard cut his name into her stomach, and she tried to cut it, or he tried to hurt herself. I have no idea what to do, come over to y/ns. Ghost says.

Price doesn't know what to say so he just hangs up and rushes to y/ns. You wake up to see Price and not ghost and you're confused. Price just says, "He is going to the store, he asked me to watch over you until he gets back."

You said "Did. Did he tell you about what happened"? as your voice shakes. 

Price says "Yes, baby he did but I know a way to fix it so you never have to see that or remember his name again."

You are confused so you ask "How?"

"All of Task Force 141 has agreed to get all matching tattoos on our stomach where he put that and you will pick out the tattoo," he said.

You had always wanted a tattoo, so you get really happy and hug Price, you jump up and down like a little kid because you're happy.

he says, "Actually Ghost was not at the store, he is getting everyone right now, we are all going to sleep over here and get it in the morning, and you can pick it out and we will all get it."

We all got matching tattoos of a dragon and a skull, and you were so happy because you can't see his name on your skin, only the tattoo.

"Don't worry about it y/n. We will be here for you no matter what." Price says.

y/n softly smiles and says "Yall are amazing." 

The team smiles and says, "Take care, ok? We will see you soon."

"I will don't worry" y/n says.

Once you get the tattoos, they all say "Y/n, call us if you need anything, ok we all love you." 

As the team walks away you smile. 

You say, "Thank you, I appreciate it, and thank you for getting the matching tattoos."

Ghost says kindly says, "Anything for you'.

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