chapter 1

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POV: Mumbo

"Hey Mumbo!" Grain yelled. I turned around to see one of my best friends come up from the parking lot.

"Hello Mr Charles, why are you here so early? Not like you to come on time." I replied knowing how badly it would bother Grian.

"Why are you being so formal? School hasn't started yet."

He avoiding my question. This cannot mean anything good. I thought to myself, but before I could ask again, Tango joined in.

"Hey Mumbo, Grain. Why you standing outside, lets go grab a coffee before the demons arrive."

"First of all, thank you!" Grian yelled right in my ear. "At least someone isn't being formal, and second, the you and Mumbo are already here."

"Secondly, HEY! And firstly, what do yo me-"

"Yes Tango, let's go grab some tea." I hastily replied, cutting Tango off, and before Grian could say anything more.

"How come you only call me by my surname! That's not fair." Grian stuck out his tongue and pouted while Tango chuckled at his behavior.

How can a grown man be so childish.

We walked up to a short one story brick building that looks like it belonged in the 1900s, with its old rusted door and window frames, the roof covered in moss and fungi. The paint on the door almost scratched off, but it was like a second home, a hideout for the teachers.

Jimmy and Scott were talking in the back corner, Gem and Stress looked to be working on lesson plans and Tango ran off to Impulse and Zedaph.

Xisuma was probably in his office preparing for future events, while the rest of our teaching community was yet to arrive.

Meanwhile, I went to go make myself and Grian a cup of coffee, but noticed something off "Who broke the coffee machine!" I yelled a litte louder then intended, but at least the message got out.

Everyone promptly pointed at Jimmy even Grian who only just arrived.

"Grian! You weren't there. Scott, I trusted you the most." Jim said trying to turn his back on Scott pouting.

"Sorry Jim, but there is a traitor around every corner." Scott replied with a smug smile on his face while booping Jimmy on the nose, to which he instantly blushed at.

"Hey, we said we wouldn't tell X. But we never said anything about telling anyone else." Impulse inquired, not wanting this to end up in a small argument.

Jim huffed at that trying but failing to look annoyed.

Soon after the clock struck 09:00 and everyone headed off to their classrooms or stayed in the lounge enjoying a free period.

I said my 'see you laters' and made my way to my engineering class.

It was a clean mess inside. Lots of screws and bolts, nails and nuts mixed up in the trays, hammers and screwdrivers that also needed to be sorted.

Maybe I can get the students to clear this all up. After all, they were the ones to mess it up in the first place.

Once all were waiting outside, I let them in taking notes seeing if there is anything that may look concerning.

After I was sure each person was up to the regular standards, I started my morning speech

"Morning class, today day I have decided to split you up into groups of two to three, and you will sort and poilish all the tools. I will give
you two minutes choose your groups and a station to work at. If all goes well, I have planned a robotics lesson for next time."

And with that the pupils got up and set off to work.

Why do the work yourself, when you can get your students to do it for you.

Thankfully it was a very low chatter, Monday mornings are always the most peaceful. I could hear myself think.

But then the silence never lasts. I heard a loud clatter of nuts and bolts fall on the floor. I jumped up out of my chair, but played it off as if to check that no one was hurt, which I would still have done.

After everything was sorted with and the majority of the unsorted trays cleaned up, I dismissed my class.

"Thank you all. That was a wonderful lesson. You all deserve some free time in robotics."
There were a bunch of silent but loud 'yays' and cheers, which made my heart warm hearing how happy all my students were.

Once the class cleared out, I decided to head to the staff room, or lounge as all teachers prefer to call it, to spend my free period planning for the forthcoming lesson.

And seeing as all went smoothly, minus the minor incident where some tools were dropped, I would allow the robotics lesson to go forth.

807 words

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