chapter 7

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POV: Xisuma

I had been at my desk all morning, sorting through an all-sorts of papers, but not being able to concentrate on anything.

So I decided that the only reasonable thing to do was to go take a walk around outside, and get some fresh air.
I popped into a few of the lessons, to make sure none of my folleagues(friend/ colleague) forget about the meeting later today.

I always loved it when one of us mispronounced or made up a completely new word just to make a sentence sound right, but at the same time sound wrong.

Just as I started talking to Skizz, I remembered that an inspector was supposed to arrive soon, so as a normal person would do, I quickly blurted out everything I need, but not wanted, to say and dashed off.

I arrived at the parking lot in time to see the interior pulling in, an I greeted him with a handshake and introduction.

I politely showed him around, brought him in lessons and after what felt like hours, he finaly left.

I breathed a long suffering sigh, when all of a sudden I let out a yelp as a heavy weight came crashing into my back. I turned to see Grian standing there, looking have dazed.

"You okay there Gri?"

"Hide Me!" Well, not the answer I was expecting, but I thought I should just play along, see what happens.

Not even a few seconds after I push Grian behind my car, I see fWhip running up to me.

Without even being told anything, I could already tell what Grian had done.

Holding in my urge of just handing Grian in, I play the 'this is payback for scaring me so many times' game.

"Hey fWhip, what's up?"

"Hi X, have you seen Grian anywhere?" He was out of breath, probably been chasing him for a while now.

I keep a straight face, but internally i know im wearing the biggest smirk. "Not recently, why?"

"He made another explosion somehow, and now theres a mess of foam all over!" I mouthed along to his answer I predicted when I saw him.

"Oh, I thought you 'Grian proofed everything."

"I thought I did so too!"

But everyone knew all too well that nothing could be 'Grian proofed', because the little gremlin himself will alwayqs find a way around it.

Knowing this was the perfect time to let the bird 'free', I told fWhip that he should go check if Pix or xB had seen him go by, but at the same time I made sure fWhip saw my signal to check behind the car.

He went one way and I went the other so we could corner Grian. fWhip showed himself first, and when grian tried to make a run for it, I lunged at him.

"Thank you X." It was too easy to tell he was making sure that I betrayed Grian.

"That's the last time I'll go to you for help." He stated matter-of-factly with a fake pout.

"That's exactly what you said last time, and the time before that, and the time befo-"

"Okay, okay I get it."
I finaly let that smirk I'd been holding back show.

We stood there in silence for a few more seconds before fWhip said the worst thing a Grian adult-child would want to here.

"Time to go and clean up my lab Gri."
Thus truly dropped his fake pout into a real look of horror.

"NO NO NONONO! I don't wanna clean up!" After all these years, I'm still amazed at how he can be a semi-responsable adult at times, but then the the most childish child the next.

"You got your self into that mess, now you need to get your self out." I say, knowing I'm wasting my breath though.

An idea poped into my head, and I decided that since all the students had gone home, no one would know if I just through Grian onto my shoulder.

So that is exactly what I did. I began walking towards fWhip's lab with him thanking me for helping him with the gremlin, still trying to struggle free from my grasp.

We passed Pearl who, at fist gave us a confused glance, but then seemed to understand what was happening.

So we just continued to the room, I dropped Grian, and let fWhip deal with the rest.

I walked back to my car, got in and drove home.

Teaching With A TwistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon