chapter 3

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POV: fWhip

The first two lessons of the day were quite swift. During break, Gem came to visit, asking if I had any idea on how to fix a coffee machine. To which I, proudly said, no to.

She sighed, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the staff room.
"Gem, w-wait. I have a practical planned, I still need to grab the equipment for it."

But to no anvil, she continued to drag me along.

"Listen fWhip, can you at least try and fix it. Mumbo is at the shops buying snacks, and Doc is with him. xB is off today, also, science is pretty close, or as close as we can get to engineering and maths."

I just let her do what she wanted, knowing that once Gem's mind was made up, there was no possible way to change it.

After we went inside, everyone there looked like they were almost or already asleep.

"Is this what we always look like when we skip our morning coffee." I joked but, I was a death stare from Joel and a "Fix it now fWhip." Said in a have dead tone.

I placed my hand our my heart and gave a sad look. "I don't think I will." A sneaky smirk made its way on my lips, and I began to slowly walk out.

And then, there it was, just what I was looking for. "fWhip wait," it was Grian. "don't listen to Joel. He's an idiot. "

"Hey! Am not!" Joel threw his arms in the air. It was Grian who gave a death stare to Joel this time.

"Joel, I want coffee. So apologize to fWhip. Now." Grian spoke in a strict tone with a hint of annoyance in it.

It is amazing how the most childish teachers can be so scary when they don't get their coffee. I thought.

Joel then apologized and I got to work on the coffee machine. I immediately noticed that the thingy that you put the coffee pod in was sort of jammed.

When I opened it, there was a small.... what in it?

"Jimmy, you said you were the last one to use the machine right." I question, having a suspension.

"Yeah. I got here first so...." I decided to cut him off there.

"I don't want your life story." I started.
"Please just get to the piont."

"Fine. I put the coffee pod in its respectful place, turned around for a second and then bam. It stopped working." He finished, and so I started my conclusion.

"Did you by any chance have a small sheriff rubber duck?" Everyone switched between staring at me and Jimmy with confused looks, waiting for an explanation.

"Yes. Yes I think I did. I lost it after the machine broke. Why?" He said slowly.

Then I turned around to face the machine again and pulled out a sheriff rubber duck from it.

All of my peers gave Jimmy a glance of disappointment. Suddenly, all at once, they rushed over to start making their coffee, pushing me out of the way.

Whilst they were crowded all together, I slipped out of the room and back to the science lab with just enough time to gather all the equipment required for this practical.

546 words

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