chapter 6

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POV: Skizz

I had begun to teach my year 10 lesson, when Xisuma decided to pull me out for a quick word.

"Hey Skizz, sorry to disturb your lesson but I just needed you to know that there is a meeting later today." He spoke quickly, as if in a rush.

"Sure, no problem homie." I told him, then he nodded and walked off.

I rejoined my lesson, handed out a few worksheets, told the students what they needed to do, and then let them chat while doing the work.

One of the worksheets was about labeling the diffrent parts of a drum, another was naming diffrent music notes and the final one was where you had to make your own music rhythm.

After about five or so minutes, we went through the answers on the first sheet, then gave them a bit more time to finish the other two sheets before marking them Aswell.

Twenty minutes before break, so I let them go into the music rooms to have a bit of fun. Some were just chatting, others messing around on the instruments, while a few were actually practicing the rythems that they wrote out earlier, making tweaks as they went along.

Finally the bell rang, and all the students left for lunch except one.
It was the newest student, she had joined a few weeks into the new school year.
"Hey, you're Maddie, right?" I questioned, just to make sure.

"Yeah." She answered in a quiet but confident tone, and I recognized the South African accent, it was similar to Ren's. Maddie started to fidget with her fingers, and kept on shuffling from foot to foot.

"Do you need anything?" I asked in a clam welcoming voice.
I remembered Beef and Keralis saying something about seeing her always sitting by herself at lunch and break.

Her response caught me off guard, "Umm I was wondering if I could come back her and eat lunch with you If it's okay."

I could'nt say no, so I agreed, and also asked if it was okay if 'Mr SV' could join us. She seemed confused, probably not knowing Impulse yet but said that she didn't mind, and then ran off to break.

After one free period, and a loud year 7 lesson, lunch had finaly come around. I saw Maddie walk in, and Impulse follow soon after.

I was curious and wanted to know how long Maddie had lived in the UK, but Impulse got to it before me.
"So, how long have you lived here?"

She seemed to understand immediately what he meant, and answered. "Ive lived here for 4, almost 5 years now. I move to the UK in 2019, and then moved up here on the 21st of August."

The three of us spoke for a bit longer before Impulse interrupted, "I need to go now, I said I'd help Sca.. I mean Mr Goodtimes with some stuff."

"Was that really a good idea" I said knowing Scar, it could be an impossible task.

"I'm going to find out soon." With a long, jokingly, suffering sigh, he got up and walked off.

There was still a ten minutes left before last period, so Maddie and I continued to talk and joke around, and I noticed she seemed to be getting a lot more comfortable.

The bell rang, but before she left, she asked one more question, "Do you mind if I could maybe come here one or twice a week please?"

I did not mind at all having extra company, so with a slight chuckle I said she could, and then she bounced off to her next lesson, with a big grin on her face.

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