chapter 2

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POV: Scar

I arrived late due to my train being delayed, but thankfully I had my first period free. I saw Grian and Stress talking in the staff room, and decided to join them.

"Well hello there."

"OH my! Scar! You can't do that to an old chap like me!" Judging by Grian's 'I am definitely not not joking' face, I knew he and I were on 'good terms'.

"Hello Luv, your late. Let me guess the train got delayed again." I walked up and sat at one of the few desks so I could place my laptop down and start work.

"You know it. Them stupid trains are never on time. It's starting to get under my skin." I could hear Stress give a light chuckle before getting up to get a glass of water.

Peered over towards the coffee machine realizing how it looked a bit out of shape. "Who broke the coffee machine this time?"
I had my thoughts. It couldn't have been Jimmy again surely, right?

"It was Timmy again." And there it was, my thoughts were deemed correct by none other then the great Grian himself.

"Hay Scar, do you want to help me torment Doc again?" Just then I saw a hint of Mischiefness sparkle in Grian's eyes.

But before I could agree Stress decided to cut in destroying all the fun. "You will do no such thing. Doc has a lesson to teach and he will teach it in peace."

When I glanced over at Grian, I still saw that glint in his eyes, and knew that we were still going through with it.

Eventually we managed to sneak out, away from Stress and began our trek to the maths building.

Thanks to the design of the school, it was fairly easy to get around and get to places without many struggles, due to the flat terrain.

However, we had a different idea.
Grian an I made our way over to a hidden stairway which lead down into a bunch of tunnels that lead to every classroom where the teachers desks were. Save for the principles office because Xisuma doesn't need to know about the tunnels.

Eventually, after a long 2 minute walk, we reached the ladder that climbed to Doc's classroom and, heard him explaining something to do with trigonometry. Grian and I both looked as if he were spaeking jiberish.

"Okay, so as soon as Doc dismisses his class, we climb up and hide behind his desk. Then we jump out and pray we can make him scream."

It was about 10 minutes of Grain and I just blabbering about the student school life and the teacher school life, when I thought I heard Doc, so I hushed Grian.
"Listen. Everyone seems to have left."

Grian immediately climbed the ladder and lifted the trapped door. When he was through, I made my way up and close the door as quietly as possible.

We heard Doc talking to a student, helping them with an equation, and decided this was a perfect time.

I look at Grian, and got a nod of approval. Because Grian being Grian, knew exactly what I was thinking when I'm thinking it.

So, we counted down on our fingers, and when we hit one, we jump out from behind the desk.

Not to our surprise, Doc did nothing but give an annoyed sigh of disappointment. On the other hand, the pupil that he was talking to gave a small yelp and stumbled over a table, catching their balance before they could hit the ground.

"You can go now Rose, thank you." Doc said, masking his annoyance.

"Thank you, Mr M." The student, Rose, replied. She walked out of the classroom, probably going to find her friends for their next lesson."

After, I turned my head to face Doc, who looked as if he were about to explode.
What have I gotten myself into. Maybe he will explode, after all, Doc is a creeper hybrid. I wonder what Xisuma would think if he found out that Grian and I were the cause off-

"When will you two learn to be responsible." Doc snapped off my trian of thoughts. I'm relieved to see that he no longer looks like he will blow up the building, which means no explaining to Xisuma what happened.

"Probably never. Doc, when have you ever seen us be responsible?" It was more of a statement then a question.

"Doc." Grian started, "maybe if we could actually scare you, we would stop."

Doc didn't even try to argue, and instead turned his attention to me. "Scar, don't you have a lesson to get to."

Sudden realization hit me. "Oh no! Bye Grian, bye Doc, see you later." I hastily ran out the door, but then back in, knowing that I could just use the tunnels.

I passed Joel along the way nearly knocking him over. "HIJOEL.SORRY JOEL.GRIAN'SWITHDOCJOEL.BYEJOEL."
I said not even stopping to take a breath.

At last, I reached my room. The students were waiting patiently to be let in.

"Sorry I was late, I had a run in with Mr M and Mr Charles." I sat down at my desk getting handing scripts out to everyone who walked past.

The lesson ended rather quickly, which was nice. Hopefully someone has fixed the coffee machine by now. I really need a cup before the day continues.

But alas, when I got there, it was still broken. So I decided to chat to the rest of my friends until the next lessons start.

927 words

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