chapter 4

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POV: Joel

Coming into school was a disaster. THE COFFEE MACHINE WAS BROKEN! I mean who in their right minds would break something of such value.

Thankfully, after sitting in the staff room for about an hour-and-a-half, Gem went to get fWhip, since Doc and Mumbo decided to run off and grab snacks.

Not that I don't want them too, but could they have at least fixed the machine first.

But alas, we all got our coffee before the end of break with only the minor thing being fWhip getting trampled.

Other then that, I was happy.

xB wasn't in, so that means I need to cover his stupid maths lesson. Why do we even need maths, we have calculators and Google. Hmm, I wonder, I am sure xB wouldn't mind now would he?.

And with a lesson planned, I made my way to the classroom.

"Good morning all, how are you today?"

"Morning Mr. Beans. Good thanks how ar...." He was cut off before he could finish. Ouch.

"Do we have to do maths Sir?" They looked like they were going to just waltz right out if I said yes.

Maybe I shouldn't say yes, that wouldn't be too harsh now would it...
No. Stick to the plan Joel, you are better than this.

Stupid voice, I just want to have some fun.

"No. I have a much more... entertaining lesson planned for you all today." And with that a bunch of cheers and sighs of relief came my way, with a few 'thank you's' too.

"Now. Onto the fun part, who is ready for a rap battle?" I spoke with a cheeky grin plastered on my most handsome face.

"Yes!" Was said in perfect unison, by every single body in this class, as if it were a planned part of a play. "Can we do the diss track please." Ahh of course.

"Yes we can. Do you know where that song originally came from?" They all stared at me with very curious eyes.

"Well don't tell Mr. Tay but it was when me, him, Mr. Solidarity and a few others were doing a small little role playing game a few months, maybe about a year ago.

"Now that the history is done with, who's ready!" And with that, I started, not needing to explain the rules due to doing this maybe one to many times.

But who cares.

"fWhip, remember when you called me poor?"

"Now me and Jim are here to settle the score." The pupils all sung as if it has happened every lesson I teach them.
*cough* true *cough*

"The Cod king and Mezalea are all against you." Doing a thumbs up signaling it is their turn.

"After this diss you're gonna be through!"

"Now let's get this started with your skin."

"You really need to put that scarf in the bin."

"It makes you look like you've got a..." I stopped, and following the gazes of my fellow students, I made eye contact with the one and only Xisuma Void.

He had a plain blank stare, as if not knowing what to do. "Have a nice day." He said and just walked out, probably hoping that he could forget all that he just saw.

I wonder how long he was watching. Oh well, not the worst thing that has happened to me so far.

POV: Xisuma

I was patrolling down the school halls, making sure everything is in place. Hearing that the coffee machine broke this morning made me reconsider going their, knowing that the majority of the teachers were going to be grumpy.

I caught a group of 5 students hanging around the locker room, probably hoping to skip class.

"Off you go to your lessons now. Don't wanna keep the teachers waiting, do we?"

With that, they started making their way to what hopefully are their classrooms, and I continued my patrol down the halls.

Stopping, I heard music and... singing?

Curious, I went to investigate, I opened the door that appeared to have the sound coming from.

And what I found was something that I was least expecting, but also not surprising in any way.

Still I somehow had a shocked expression. It took the students about 5 seconds to realize I was there but 30 seconds for Mr. Beans to realize.

I had no comment on this event, which has recurred so many times that I have just given up on and lost count.

"Have a nice day." Rhen I walked out hoping to not run into that again later.

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