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(all of these are my headcanons)(i apologize for any misspelling)

if they were humans

fav animals:

ikor - cats

riff - dogs

trek - dogs

eron - birds(mostly parrots)

aoki - doesn't have a fav, she whould find every animal cute

fav collor:

ikor - torqoise(i apoligise if i wrote it wrong)

riff - red,yellow,orange(aka fire colors)

trek - grey, yellow

eron - blue, white

aoki - purple,white,black

past trauma:

ikor - his mother's death

riff - alcoholic father,abuse,parents divorce

trek - his father's death,bullying

eron - witnessing a death

aoki - abused by father(you know who) when not being perfect


ikor - british

riff - mexican

trek - african american

eron - italian,french

aoki - asian(half korean,chinese,vietnamese,philipenese, bc why not?)

fav sport:

ikor - ice skating,fencing

riff - boxing

trek - basket,rock climbing

eron - volleyball

aoki - volleyball, swiming, yoga

my gormiti headcanons (bc i want to)Where stories live. Discover now