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"Hey what the fuck Monty?" Alex replied agitated as Monty aggressively brushed past him. "What about it Standall, you wanna fight or some shit?" Monty smugly faced Alex.

"Hey Monty, Coach Kerba asked us to be at the field like 5 minutes ago let's go!" Charlie anxiously urged Monty. He didn't know what history Alex and Monty had, but they did seem to bring out the worst in eachother. Monty smirked at Alex and then turned away to walk out. Alex just stared, frustrated by the whole thing.

"I don't know what the fuck is Monty's problem honestly, if he isn't bothering Tony, he is bothering Clay, if he isn't bothering Clay, he is annoying the fuck outta me, I'm done with him Zach I just ARGH." Alex stumbled over a rock and Zach caught him just in time. "Alex relax what the fuck man. You just recently recovered from your brain injury, don't get your fucking head split up again." Zach knew that Alex was a total hothead....he did kinda kill Bryce....

"Zach I don't know, what if he knows something y'know, like about everything." Alex whispered. Zach nervously glanced around, the field was empty. "Shshshhshshhhh fucking hell Alex you are gonna get us busted." He whispered and shoved Alex behind the bleachers.

"Nobody is AROUND!" Alex yelled. He was just tired of everything. A part of him was hoping he'd get busted, this torture of conscience would be finally over. Zach nervously placed his palm on Alex's mouth as Alex struggled. "Shutup, God you're such a pain in the ass sometimes." Zach whispered, frightened. He knew if anyone heard the whole story, Alex won't be the only one busted. Afterall he also....

"Um am I interrupting something?" Zach and Alex looked up awkwardly to see a confused Charlie standing there. "Wh-When did you come?" Zach quickly removed his hand from Alex's mouth and Alex let out a heavy breath. "Coach Kerba asked me to call you, y'know how stingy he gets with the practice and.." Charlie's eyes strayed to Alex. He gulped nervously. Was there something going on between Alex and Zach. He felt stupid for even caring about it. Did it really matter? 

Alex's hair were messy and he was flushed, his blue eyes tired and drained but wide open. "I will just leave, um, bye Zach I will call you later." Alex quickly excused himself. "Yea no, bye." Zach bid farewell to Alex and glanced at Charlie nervously, Did he hear something? He was Monty's best friend after all and Monty and Bryce were like brothers. Charlie was definitely not one to be trusted.

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