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"Ouchjewh watch where you're going dude?" Alex bumped into someone..he did that a lot. "Sorry *dude*" The guy snarkily replied back. Alex looked up to see a tall boy with thick wavy black hair. He had never seen him in school before and he was kind of..stunning?

"I'm-I'm sorry I am just in a hurry kind of." Alex replied, jittery from the interaction. Why couldn't he ever stop acting like an idiot infront of attractive people.

"Yea I see that.." the guy was uninterested and seemed to be looking for someone.

"Well see you around?" Alex said awkwardly attempting to extract some form of emotion from this expressionless guy.

"Sure" The boy replied distractedly and walked away. Alex mentally face-palmed several times before he was brought back to reality by the headmaster's announcement. Oh fuck, he had to find Zach and Jess and Clay and ugh. He hated when his dad came to school. Add to that his dad coming to school for an investigation that could ruin his entire life.


                                                        "Alex is a gay bish"

                                      Zach, Jess, Justin, Clay, Tony

Zach: WHat are we gonna do fuck shit fucksklask

Jess: @Alex where are you????

Zach: These ppl are nvr online when ya need thwm fck this im out, lets just all get caught

Justin: Zach I need u to be srs for a min, this aint a joke, WHERE TF IS ALEX?

Clay: Art room, 5 minutes. GORDON LIGHTFOOT


"Its been five minutes since we got here and no offense yall are beautiful people but I do NOT wanna stare at your faces for half the day" Zach spoke up, annoyed. "Shutup we are waiting for Alex." Clay said.

"That motherfucker." Tony mumbled under his breath. "I am gonna kill him, I ditched pre calc for this."

"You hate math Tony...." Justin replied.

"Precisely. I'd rather math than whatever the hell this is." Clay shook his head annoyed at his friends' grumble.

Alex walked in, only to be greeted with a bunch of screaming, yelling and annoyed faces. "GUYS OKAY SHUTUP FOR A SECOND." Alex screamed.

"Where were you?" Clay walked upto him frustrated. "I-uh had to take care of something, anyways i'm here now and I'm sorry for wasting ten minutes of yall's life but can we please get to this meeting already?"

"Big talk from a guy who kept us waiting but okahy." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Jesus can someone get to the point already?" Jessica spoke up, irritated by everyone's bickering.

"The point is that we are gonna get interrogated today, every single one of any plans on anything?" Clay announced. He was greeted by silence. "I see..very prepared you all are."

"I have been saying this for ages. Let me confess already." Alex said earning concerned glances from everyone around him. "" Zach said firmly. The last thing he wanted was for his best friend to go to jail for life.

"Alex why do you keep doing this. We WANT to protect you, okay?" Clay said and everyone mumbled in agreement. "Besides I know we aren't allowed to say this but that rapist had it coming." Tony said earning shocked gasps. Tony wasn't scared of anything, He was bold and spoke his mind and he really didn't get why he was supposed to feel even slight remorse for the murder of a serial rapist who also got his family deported. He was glad Alex did it, otherwise he would have done it himself. "The law sure as hell wasn't going to punish him, somebody had to."

His statement was supposed to make Alex feel better, instead it aggravated him further. He just couldn't shake the guilt, no matter who Bryce was, he was still a human and he didn't deserve to be murdered did he?

"We need to get our stories straight, what are the alibis?" Clay resumed.

"My dad tucked me in bed" Jessica replied.

"I will say I was with you," Justin looked at Clay. Both nervously bit their lips. Lying about their alibis was gonna be tricky.

"I was with Caleb and Javiar at the shop and they can confirm this." Tony said nervously. They all turned to look at Alex.'

"Me and Alex were together getting drunk." Zach spoke up. Alex sighed. "Whatever."

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