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"St George! Haha my boy." Luke randomly came up behind Charlie as he was sitting at the cafeteria table, contemplating his life. "Hey Luke whassup." Charlie smiled. Luke often had a way of cheering Charlie up.

"What is it that troubles you my friend, my precious little nutsack. " Charlie gave him a playful look. "Nothing troubles me, why, do I look troubled or what?"

"Um let's see, today you refused to pass Zach the ball during practice and cost us a golden opportunity to goal, for starters." Luke stated, shoving some chicken in his mouth hungrily. Charlie looked down with guilt. Yea, he was kinda taking his anger and annoyance out on Zach, which wasn't fair really. So what if Alex likes to hang out with Zach and barely even acknowledges his existence. It's Alex's choice.

"Attention Liberty High, Deputy Standall along with Sheriff Diaz will be coming to Liberty High for a series of interrogations regarding Bryce Walker's death. The case has been reopened." Headmaster announced through the school speakers.

"Shit, Bryce Walker's death...we gotta find Monty." Charlie mumbled to Luke. Luke nodded and got up following Charlie through the halls. Monty didn't do very well on the topic of Bryce's death. He barely talked about it. On his way, he saw a pale Alex who seemed to be heading his way. He got nervous.

"Luke." Alex stopped Luke. Charlie stared at Alex and Luke curiously, what the fuck was happening here now? "Can we talk somewhere in private?" Alex whispered to Luke. Charlie felt a pang of jealousy as Alex carried Luke away. Whatever, he shrugged it off and continued to look for Monty.

Monty was huddled under the bleachers. "Monty!" Charlie called out as soon as he saw him. Monty looked up but didn't respond. It seemed like the blood was drained from his face. Charlie quickly scurried over to Monty. He didn't look good. "Did you hear?" Charlie asked.

"Yea. I don't understand why the hell do they wanna interrogate..I-um." Monty replied biting his nails nervously. "No clue." Charlie shrugged. Monty was definitely acting suspicious as fuck. But his mind kept going back to Luke and Alex, what the fuck could they have in common. 

"You know, I saw Alex Standall with Luke." Charlie whispered to Monty. "That fucker just keeps going after every guy on the football team. I told you he is a homo." Monty shook his head, still pale and fidgety. Every guy on the football team except me.. Charlie was done with these feelings. He wanted to focus on important things like football and who actually killed Bryce.

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