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"Hey stranger." Monty called from across the room. Winston looked up and smiled. He was waiting for this moment. Monty came over, grabbed Winston and threw him against the wall.

"ooh kinky." Winston chuckled.

"What do you think you are doing here?" Monty menacingly whispered.

"Attending school?" Winston replied casually, not breaking eye contact.

"Stop tempting me to kill you." Monty whispered.

"I think I'm tempting you for something else too." Winston smirked. There was nothing more satisfying to him, than crumbling Monty's ego with one sentence.

"What happened during summer was a mistake, forget about it, I'm not a fag." Monty said angrily.

"Sure you aren't" Winston kept his unwavering smile. He knew how to get under Monty's skin. Monty immediately threw a punch. Winston landed on his nose and started bleeding.

"You beating me up, what else is new?" Winston refused to break his calm demeanor. This frustrated Monty even more and he kicked Winston.

"What the fuck Monty?" Charlie entered moments later. he was horrified at the sight. Monty was beating Winston up but Winston refused to fight back and was just taking the hits calmly. Charlie removed Monty from Winston. "Stop it, please. Monty let's go." Monty struggled but Charlie was strong enough to contain him.

"Okay care to explain?" Charlie looked at Monty moments later while they were seated in Charlie's car.

"What's there to explain, he is fucking annoying." Monty replied frustrated.

"He is new at this school? Do you know him?" Charlie asked. He knew there was some history there. Why Monty refused to tell him was beyond him.

"I don't, why the fuck would I be in contact with a weirdo like him." Monty spoke up defensively.

"Then why were you beating him up?" Charlie asked still beyond confused.

"He was annoying me Charlie can you just drive already, goddamn." Monty explained. he was done with this conversation and Charlie knew better than to push it.


"Alex!" His dad called him downstairs. His breath hitched. He knew what was coming and dreaded every second of it.

"Dad-um," He stumbled on his words.

"ALEX?" His dad shouted and his soul almost left his body.

"Coming!" Alex yelled and ran down as fast as he could.

"Alex, come sit here." His dad's voice was low. He sensed a disaster.

"Why did you leave the interrogations room like that? We had to suspend interrogations for the whole day. Do you realize how guilty you made yourself look?" That was the point? Alex thought.

"Dad I am sorry I just am tired of how guilty everything is making me." Alex started to sniffle. His dad looked at him bewildered.

"What did you do son?" He asked softly.

"I-"Alex couldn't finish his words. Should he tell his dad, a police officer, the thing that has been weighing down on him.

"I know that Bryce and you weren't close. you had some disagreements with him. I think it's normal to feel guilty now that he has died. You never got your closure." Mr Standall consoled his son.

"Yes that is exactly what it is." Alex sighed and walked away. His dad was an extremely competent cop. Knowing that his dad wouldn't let him get away with murder kept haunting his thoughts.

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